
Jesus told us what to say when we pray. When you pray, you should address God and not man. Prayer to God is sacred, “Hallowed pray to “Our Father who art in heaven.” (Matthew 6:7-9). Our prayers are to be in “thy name.” Jesus, our example, showed us when to pray. He prayed before He made a decision (Luke 6:12-13). Before selecting His apostles He spent all night in prayer (Luke 6:12). He prayed for the sorrowing souls of Mary and Martha at the tomb of Lazarus (John 11:32-43).

He prayed for Peter when Satan had asked for him. Jesus said, “Simon, Simon, Satan has desired to have you. But I have prayed that thy faith fail not” (Luke 22:31-32). Jesus prayed in His own sorrow. He cried out in prayer, “Father the hour is come, glorify thy Son, that thy Son may glorify thee” (John 17:1). In the garden He prayed, “O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me” (Matthew. 26:39). Jesus prayed for those who abused Him. He said, “Father forgive them; for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34). As we often sing. “pray when in sorrow, pray when in trouble, pray all the time.”

G.K. Wallace

Jesus Will Come Again

Jesus will come again
Live your life free from sin
So that heav’n you will win
     When trumpets sound;
He will make all things right
In that sweet Land of Light
Where there will be no night
     Heavenward bound!


Jesus will meet us there
Evermore in the air
Where we’ll live free from care
     When trumpets sound;
Are you prepared my friend,
So much on this depends,
Set yourself for life’s end
     Heavenward bound!


Jesus will come someday
Come to take us away
To the unending day
     When trumpet sound;
We’ll meet Him in the sky
In the sweet by and  by
Where we will never die
     Heavenward bound!



Troublesome times have been
With us as long as sin
Jesus will come back when
God sends Him back;
We must walk in the Light,
Keeping the Goal in sight,
Trusting in His great might
What do you lack?


Tim Smith

[Note: The song “Jesus is Coming Soon” in not Scriptural. Tim Smith was asked to write Scriptural lyrics to the tune of this song. The result is above.]

Him Only

An ounce of His Favor o'er a ton of sin,
A glimpse of His Smile o'er the praises of men;
A pinch of His Mercy o'er all this world's wealth,
Just one peek at Heav'n o'er a lifetime of health.


1. This world has no treasure that I wish to gain,

There's nothing that makes me desire to stay here;

For I'm just a pilgrim and I'm passing through, 

I've a mansion in Heaven: mine free and clear! 


An ounce of His Favor o'er a ton of sin,
A glimpse of His Smile o'er the praises of men;
A pinch of His Mercy o'er all this world's wealth,
Just one peek at Heav'n o'er a lifetime of health.


2. The finest of fineries hold naught for me,

The  sweetest of fragrances have no appeal;

I'd rather have proof to base my faith upon

Than anything anyone else claims to feel.


An ounce of His Favor o'er a ton of sin,
A glimpse of His Smile o'er the praises of men;
A pinch of His Mercy o'er all this world's wealth,
Just one peek at Heav'n o'er a lifetime of health.


3. My Counselor, Comforter, Personal Guide,

My Light in the darkness, my own Special Friend; 

O'er all artificial that this world may boast

Him only I trust to guide me 'to life’s end...


An ounce of His Favor o'er a ton of sin,
A glimpse of His Smile o'er the praises of men;
A pinch of His Mercy o'er all this world's wealth,
Just one peek at Heav'n o'er a lifetime of health.


H. L. Gradowith

A Song Of Hope

He lives in my heart and guides me all along, 
He bathes me in Mercy and gives me a Song
In a world of darkness He's my Shining Light, 
When I'm out of strength, I then turn to His Might!!!

He is the Answer to the questions men ask, 
And though my strength fails, He is up to the task; 
When gloom o'ertakes me He Lighteth my Way, 
And His Light's brighter than this world's brightest day!

"This simply cannot be done," says learn'ed man, 
But filled with His Might I affirm that I can! 
What man cannot see he simply disavows, 
But there is more here than our wisdom allows!

If all men will but know His Wonderful Love 
Then all might enjoy His Bright Homeland Above! 
For He'll live in them and guide them all along, 
He'll bathe them in Mercy and give them a Song!

In darkness they stumble, hearts rotted within, 
Their steps ever trodding the paths of lost men… 
Their darkness dispelling He'll Bathe them in Light, 
He'll fix their ill hearts, and set their steps aright!

H. L. Gradowith