Your Ear, A Smile and A Happy Word

If you see somebody having a rough day,
If you see somebody struggling on the way,
If you see somebody with a broken heart,
If you see somebody whose world’s come apart,
If you see somebody who’s tossed to and fro,
If you see somebody whose back is bent low,
Give him your ear, a smile and a happy word,
And bid him put his trust in the Blessed Lord.
If you see somebody who’s fighting with sin,
If you see somebody despised by all men,
If you see somebody who has lost his way,
If you see somebody with too much to pay,
If you see somebody who’s wandering about,
If you see somebody who’s struggling with doubt,
Give him your ear, a smile and a happy word,
And bid him put his trust in the Blessed Lord.
If you see somebody that the world counts mad,
If you see somebody confused and distraught,
If you see somebody who’s suffering for naught,
If you see somebody whom life’s left behind,
If you see somebody with a troubled mind,
Give him your ear, a smile and a happy word,
And bid him put his trust in the Blessed Lord.
If you see somebody who’s doing all right,
If you see somebody whose burden is light,
If you see somebody with no pain or care,
If you see somebody who’s loved everywhere,
If you see somebody not troubled with sin,
Give him your ear, a smile and a happy word,
And bid him put his trust in the Blessed Lord.
H. L. Gradowith

Sermons We Can See

I’d rather see a sermon than to hear one any day. 

   I’d rather one would walk with me than merely show the way. 

The eye’s the better pupil, more willing than the ear. 

   Fine counsel is confusing but example is always clear. 

The best of all the preachers are the men who live their creed. 

   For to see the good in action is what everybody needs. 

If you let me watch you do it, I can see just how it’s done. 

   I can see your hands in action, but your tongue may run too fast. 

And the sermons you deliver may be very wise and true.

   But I’d rather get my lesson from observing what you do. 

For I may misunderstand you and the high advice you give. 

   But there is no misunderstanding how you act and how you live (read Matthew 5:14-16).

Author Unknown

Did My Neighbor...

See that 1 do not make time for Sunday Bible study? 

See that I only give the Lord Sunday mornings, but spend the Sunday evening worship time for my own pleasures? 

See that I absent myself from the assembly when guests come into my home, and thus I put men before God? 

Hear from my lips speech that is impure, and unbecoming any child of God? 

See me and my family cavort around the community in a state of undress, as if the Bible had nothing to say about modesty? 

See that I have done little to train up my children in the way of the Lord, and that I have exercised very little discipline in the home? 

See that I completely ignore the work of the church when Wednesday evenings roll around? 

See that when the church has meetings, Family Bible Schools, etc., that I show very, very little interest in such? 

Then I know some reasons why my friends and neighbors have not shown interest in the truth, and why they may never be converted! 

Bill Jackson