Repentance means a change of mind. It is a change of mind that results in a change in behavior. Repentance is the result of godly sorrow (II Corinthians 7:10). Godly sorrow is the quality being so grieved by the wrongs committed in the past that there is a determination to turn away from those kinds of actions combined with a determination to do only that which is right in the eyes of God. This sorrow (godly sorrow) is not the sorrow of being caught, but sorrow that is characterized by a broken, contrite heart. Jude tells us that such a one hates even the garment spotted by the flesh (Jude 23). Repentance was described by Jonah when it was said that the Ninevites “turned from their evil way” (Jonah 3:10). When Jesus spoke of the same situation, He stated that they “repented at the preaching of Jonah” (Matthew 12:39-41).

All sin is against God and must be forgiven by God. King David recognized that though his sins involved others those sins were against God. He exclaimed, “Against thee, thee only, have I sinned” (Psalm 51:4). God is not obligated to forgive. Forgiveness is the result of God’s mercy and grace. Forgiveness is through the blood of Christ (Ephesians 1:7). Paul in that passage also referred to the “riches” of God’s grace. God’s grace is sufficient to forgive all of the sins of all of mankind. There is no inadequacy in the blood of Christ. No matter how awful our sin is, no matter how many those sins are we can be forgiven by God. If we are alien sinners (not Christians), we must do those things that God requires in order to receive the remission (forgiveness) of our sins. We must obey the Gospel to be saved from our sins. That Gospel stipulates that we must believe in Jesus as the Son of God and Savior of man (John 8:24), repent of our sins (Luke 13:3,5), confess our faith in Christ before men (Matthew 10:32), and be baptized by the authority of Christ for the forgiveness of our sins (Acts 2:38; Mark 16:16). If we are already members of the church, we must follow God’s second plan of pardon to be forgiven. We must repent of our sins (Acts 8:22) and confess those sins to God in prayer (I John 1:9; Acts 8:22). The blood of Jesus can thus cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

In either case (alien sinner, fallen child of God), the common act required for forgiveness is repentance. It is, therefore, imperative that we understand what is meant by repentance and all that is involved in this act.

Repentance involves restitution. Restitution is restoring to another that which we have unjustly taken in our sins. If we have deprived others of some material thing, then we must restore to that person the thing taken or the value of that thing. If that cannot be done then reasonable satisfaction must be given. If what is taken is intangible, then every effort must be made to remove the effects of the wrong. In simple terms this means that if we have stolen an automobile we must return it if we have repented. We cannot keep riding around in the car if we have genuinely repented. I believe we all have the ability to understand this. This illustration has been used effectively many times. It clearly illustrates the idea of restitution involved in repentance.

If emotions were not so heavily involved in other similar situations, I believe we could see the parallel and apply this idea of restitution consistently with success. But, when “marriage” is the sin, many do not see as clearly as they would otherwise. If a person is in an unscriptural marriage (a “marriage” not authorized by God), then many want to suggest that a person can repent without giving up that which is not rightfully his or hers. Repentance requires restitution where possible. Baptism, in the case of the alien sinner becoming a Christian, does not sanctify an unscriptural relationship. The sin of adultery can be forgiven, but only when repentance occurs which means turning away from the practice of adultery. A person cannot continue in the sinful practice and have God’s approval or forgiveness. A person must stop the practice of whatever sin in order to be forgiven.

Perhaps this additional illustration will help. Suppose a practicing homosexual learned the Truth and wanted forgiveness. It is impossible to have that forgiveness and have a right relationship with God while continuing to practice homosexuality. That sinful practice must stop if forgiveness is to obtained! Baptism will not sanctify such a relationship that is sinful no more than baptism will sanctify an adulterous relationship. If forgiveness is to be obtained, then the sinful practice must stop. That is part of what repentance requires!

Lester Kamp

My Bible and My Vote

Do believers in God, in Jesus Christ as His Son, and in the Bible as God’s Word have an obligation to evaluate candidates and/or political parties in light of Biblical teaching when they vote? Can a Christian be faithful to Christ if he votes for a candidate who champions anti-Christian causes and principles? Specifically, can a Christian vote for a candidate who:

  • Favors Islam over the religion of Christ (hosted Ramadan dinners, but refused to host National Day of Prayer). The Bible affirms that Christianity is the one true religion (John 8:24; 14:6; et al.).
  • Fears offending Muslims, but does not mind offending believers in Christ (before he delivered a speech, demanded a symbol of Jesus’ name be covered). If one is ashamed of Jesus, Jesus will be ashamed of him at the Judgment (Matthew 10:32-33).
  • Ridicules believers in Christ (“they cling to their guns or religion”). Jesus said, “Blessed are ye when men shall reproach you, and persecute you, and say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake” (Matthew 5:11).
  • Heads a party that is opposed to God and the Bible (the original party platform removed God’s name completely; when they added God because of political expediency, it was roundly booed). As with all infidels, “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools” (Romans 1:22).
  • Favors abortion vigorously (ruled to override conscience protections relating to abortion for medical workers, favors killing babies born alive after botched abortions, favors funding abortion clinics with tax dollars, included a pro-abortion plank in his party’s platform, etc.). Life begins at conception, and intentional killing—in or out of the womb—is murder, which will send one to Hell (Matthew 2:16; John 8:44; Romans 1:29, 32; Revelation 21:8; et al.).
  • Advanced the homosexual agenda in manifold ways (announced he would not enforce the Defense of Marriage Act, announced that he favors same-sex marriages, ordered that homosexuals would be allowed to openly serve in our military forces, ordered chaplains to perform same-sex marriages in military chapels, etc.). Homosexual behavior is a “vile passion,” that is “against nature,” and is “not fitting.” Those who persist in it will be lost eternally (Romans 1:26-28; I Corinthians 6:9-10; I Timothy 1:9-10; et al.).

When human loyalties clash with loyalty to God, believers must be faithful to God and Jesus (Acts 5:29). True believers will vote so as to maintain a “good conscience” (Acts 23:1).

Dub McClish