First Peter

From Peter to the Elect scattered abroad because of persecution –

Praise the Lord who has given us living hope by Christ’s resurrection.

We have an incorruptible inheritance that fadeth not away,

And the trial of our faith will be glorious in that day.

Although you have not seen Him, you believed what was told,

And received the end of your faith, the salvation of your soul.

While the Prophets have searched and the angels desired to see,

This glorious Good News was reserved for you and me.

We are born again of incorruptible seed by God’s living Word,

Who His son self bore our sins in His body as you heard.

And since He suffered for us in the flesh on the tree,

We should not think it strange when fiery trials we see.

I want to exhort the elders who are there among you,

For I have witnessed Christ’s sufferings and am an elder too,

That you feed the flock of God and take the oversight,

And when the Chief Shepherd shall appear He will make things right.


From The Bible in Verse: from Genesis to Revelation by B.C.Jennings, 1986.


God has spoken by prophets of what He was doing and had done,

But in these last days He spoke in His only begotten Son,

And this book of Hebrews was to show the Jews of that day

That the Gospel of the grace of God was much better way.


Jesus Christ was better than angels, a more excellent name had He.

God never said to an angel, “My son, today I begot thee.”

But to the Son He said, “Thy Throne is forever and ever.

Sit on My right hand; I will make your enemies a footstool forever.”


The grace of God is much better than the Mosaic law.

The law made nothing perfect and that we clearly saw.

But a surer and much better covenant Jesus had made,

For what the law could not do about sin Jesus has paid.


The blood of animals was applied in the temple on earth.

But the blood of Christ in heaven’s temple is of eternal worth.

There is no need to repeat His sacrifice as the priest, from day to day.

Once for all He died for mankind to put their sins away.


And that once for all sacrifice made by God’s sinless Soon,

Is put to our credit by faith in the work He had done.

For faith gives evidence and substance of things yet unseen,

And we trust the blood of Jesus to wash our souls clean.


So let us lay aside all sin and every hindering weight,

And for the lame who are following let us make our path straight.

For we have a better covenant, a better hope, a better reward,

And we run our race with patience as we wait for our blessed Lord.


--from The Bible in Verse: from Genesis to Revelation by B. C. Jennings, 1986