It’s a long step from Sunday to Sunday! There is surely more to being faithful to the Lord of heaven and earth than “church attendance,” but can one be faithful to Him without? Is it necessary (to please God, to grow spiritually, to be saved) for one to assemble faithfully with the saints? If the New Testament teaches anything, it answers “yes”! We are obviously not speaking of the sick and shut-ins and others who are hindered beyond their control, but those who able to come. We aren’t merely asking if the preacher or elders care, but does God care? Consider the following:

Lord’s Day Assembly

Saints are commanded to partake of the Lord’s Supper to remember Christ (I Corinthians 11:24). The apostolic example (Acts 20:7) and uninspired early church history confirm that the church ate the Lord’s Supper on the first day of the week (cf. I Corinthians 16:1-2). These things were to be done “everywhere in every church” (I Corinthians 4:17). To willfully miss the Lord’s day assembly is to disregard these commands.

Other Assemblies

What about Sunday evening, Sunday morning Bible school or Wednesday night? Are such meetings Scriptural or unscriptural? Various meetings besides Sunday were held in the early church with apostolic approval (Acts 2:46; 4:23; 12:12, etc). It is certain that such additional meetings for study, worship and fellowship (Gospel meetings series, vacation Bible schools, workshops, etc.) greatly strength-en those who attend them and do untold good. In spite of Scriptural precedent and practical need for these meetings, some still weakly cling to the “Lord’s Supper only” approach to church attendance.

A Direct Command

As clearly as the New Testament teaches us not to commit adultery, not to steal or not to murder, it teaches “not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together” (Hebrews 10:25). To forsake is not merely to be absent. The sick man will be absent without forsaking the assembly if he would have been there except for sick-ness. To forsake is to abandon for something deemed more important. It is mere speculation to limit this command only to the Lord’s day assembly. Whenever there is a meeting of the saints at which we could be exhorted to pure living, we ought to be there. Moreover, we ought to want to be there!

Miscellaneous Principles

Lovers of God have always cherished worship and study opportunities (Psalms 42:1-4; 84:1-2, 10; Matthew 5:6). Can one “seek first the kingdom” while forsaking its assemblies? (Matthew 6:33). Does God care where we are when the saints meet?

Author Unknown

Scriptural Worship

  • Preaching the Word of God – Acts 2:42
  • Giving of Your Means – I Corinthians 16:1-2
  • Observing the Lord’s Supper – Acts 20:7
  • A Cappella Singing – Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16
  • Praying – Acts 2:42

A Fifty-year-old Decision

"People do not accidentally attend worship without missing one worship service for twenty years.  They must have planned always to attend.  Soon after I obeyed the gospel in the fall of 1909, I read of an old brother who had not missed going to worship a single Sunday in 41 years.  That story caused me to resolve and to purpose in my heart that I would never miss the worship on a single Lord's Day as long as I lived, if possible to attend.  I have missed four Sundays in over fifty years, and then it was because of illness.

Once I made that decision, the question has not come up as to whether I would attend church services or not.  In fact, I did not decide last Lord's Day to go to worship, nor the Sunday before.  That decision was made more than fifty years ago. 

“It is a sin for any member of the church to miss the worship unless he is unable to attend.  The very nature of our religion is such that those who feel this is a burden need to be converted."

 Gus Nichols

Church Attendance

There is surely more to being faithful to the Lord of heaven and earth than “church attendance,” but can one be faithful to Him without it? Is it necessary (to please God, to grow spiritually, to be saved) for one to assemble faithfully with the saints? If the New Testament teaches anything, it answers “yes”! We are obviously not speaking of the sick and shut-ins and others hindered beyond their control, but those who are able to come. We aren’t merely asking if the preacher or elders care, but does God care? Consider the following:

Lord’s Day assembly. Saints are commanded to partake of the Lord’s Supper to remember Christ (I Corinthians 11:24). The apostolic example (Acts 20:7) and uninspired church history confirm that the church ate the Lord’s Supper on the first day of the week. To provide the money needed to do the work of the church, the saints were commanded to give of their money every first day of the week (I Corinthians 16:1-2). These things were to be done “everywhere in every church” (I Corinthians 4:17). To willfully miss the Lord’s Day assembly is to disregard these commands.

Other assemblies. What about Sunday evening, Sunday morning Bible school or Wednesday night? Are such meetings Scriptural or unscriptural? Various meetings besides Sunday were held in the early church with apostolic approval (Acts 2:46; 4:23; 12:12, etc.). It is certain additional meetings for study, worship and fellowship (Gospel Meeting series, Vacation Bible Schools, workshops, etc.) greatly strengthen those who attend them and do untold good. In spite of Scriptural precedent and practical need for these meetings, some still weakly cling to the “Lord’s Supper only” approach to church attendance.

A direct command. As clearly as the New Testament teaches not to commit adultery, not to steal, or not to murder, it teaches “not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together” (Hebrews 10:25). To forsake is not the same as merely being absent. The sick man will be absent without forsaking the assembly if he would have been there except for sickness. To forsake is to abandon for something deemed more important. It is mere speculation to limit this command only to the Lord’s Day assembly. Whenever there is a meeting of the saints at which we could be exhorted to pure living, we ought to be there. Moreover, we ought to want to be there.

Miscellaneous principles. Lovers of God have always cherished worship and study opportunities (Psalm 42:1-4; 84:1-2, 10; Matthew 5:6). Can one “seek first the kingdom” while forsaking its assemblies? (Matthew 6:33). Does God care where we are when the saints meet?

Author Unknown