Instrumental Music - What Others Have Said

  • “The organ in the worship is the insignia of Baal” (Martin Luther).
  • “I have no objection to instruments of music in our worship, provided they are neither seen nor heard” (John Wesley, Methodist). 
  • “There can be no doubt that originally the music of the divine service was everywhere entirely of a vocal nature” (Emil Nauman, The History of Music).
  • “I presume to all spiritually-minded Christians, such aid [mechanical instruments of music] would be as a cow bell in a concert” (Alexander Campbell).
  • “What a degradation to supplant the intelligent song of the whole congregation by the theatical prettiness of a quartet, bellows, and pipes! We might as well pray by machinery as praise by it” (Charles H. Spurgeon, Baptist).
  • “The custom of organ accompaniment did not become general among Protestants until the eighteenth century” (The New Shaff-Herzogg Encyclopedia). 
  • “I am an old man, and I here declare that I never knew them to be productive of any good in the worship of God, and have reason to believe that they are productive of much evil. Music as a science I esteem and admire, but instrumental music in the house of God I abominate and abhor” (Adam Clarke, Methodist Commentator). 
  • “David formerly sang songs, also today we sing hymns. He had a lyre with lifeless strings, the church has a lyre with living strings. Our tongues are the strings of the lyre with a different tone indeed but much more in accordance with piety” (Chrysostom, 381 A.D.).
  • “The use of music was not received in the Christian churches, as it was among the Jew, in their infant state, but only the use of plain song” (Justin Martyr, 139 A. D.). 
  • “While the pagan melodies were always sung to an instrumental accompaniment, the church chant was exclusively vocal” (Edward Dickinson, History of Music).

Author Unknown