Yes, if we respect the wishes of Christ. He prayed for unity: John 17:20-21.
Yes, if we believe there is one God. The Ephesians were told to keep unity on the basis of this truth: Ephesians 4:3-6.
Yes, if we realize the dangers of division. Paul taught against religious division: I Corinthians 1: 10- 13.
Yes, if we are willing to yield human opinions to the authority of God’s Word. Jeremiah urged that man’s wisdom is not a safe guide: Jeremiah 10:23.
But unity does not now exist! The modem religious world is divided into several hundred denominations who war over names, creeds, practices, organizations, worship and ritual.
Unity can be had when creeds are discarded in favor of the Bible. The world can have the blessings of unity when all people accept the Holy Scriptures as the sole authority in religion. The Bible only makes Christians only! If all are just Christians, nothing more and nothing less, all will be united!
William S. Cline