When the sermon is too long or too strong.

When you murmur if called upon to give a little more.

When everyone is wrong but you.

When things have to go your way or you won’t cooperate.

When you won’t admit wrong---when you are.

When the headache you take to work keeps you from attending worship.

When visitors keep you from attending worship.

When you grow weary of sound doctrine.

​Author Unknown

Which Is More Important?

  1. Which is more important to you? Making sure your dog (or cat) gets fed every day or making sure that your child gets daily spiritual nourishment?
  2. Which is more important to you? Watching television or taking time for prayer and Bible study every day?
  3. Which is more important to you? The time you spend playing tennis (or fishing, hunting, golfing, etc.) or the time you spend with your children?
  4. Which is more important to you? The time you spend adorning your body or the time that you spend improving the inner man?
  5. Which is more important to you? What you think of last Sunday’s sermon or what God thinks of your response to the sermon?
  6. Which is more important to you? The preacher speaking to you at the door after worship or the preacher speaking to you through the sermon?
  7. Which is more important to you? The condition and appearance of your house or what goes on inside your house?
  8. Which is more important to you? The temperature in the church building or the spiritual temperature of the church which meets in the building?
  9. Which is more important to you? The number of people who show an interest in you or the number of people in whom you show an interest?
  10. Which is more important to you? The number of people who speak to you at church services or the number of people to whom you speak? 

Author Unknown