Not Wasted

A young woman, who was a great lover of flowers, had set out a rare vine at the base of a stone wall. It grew vigorously, but did not bloom. Day after day she cultivated it and watered it and tried in every way to coax it into bloom. One morning, as she stood disappointedly before it, her invalid neighbor, whose back lot adjoined her own, called over and said, “You can’t imagine how much I have been enjoying the blooms of that vine you planted.” The owner looked and on the other side of the wall was a mass of blooms. The vine had crept through the crevices and flowered luxuriantly on the other side.

So often we think our efforts are thrown away because we do not see their fruits. We need to learn that in God’s service, our prayers, our toils, our crosses are never in vain! Somewhere they bear fruit and hearts will receive blessings and joy.

Author Unknown

Put the Lord First

I will be forever grateful to a lady by the name of Gertha Alston. Why? Because she said something to me before I obeyed the Gospel that still resonates in my ear when we are discussing certain passages of Scripture.  Without going into the word-for-word, she said to make sure that the person you are interested in puts the Lord first.

I thought about this again, not just in the context she addressed (which would only make perfect sense that a faithful Christian would look first at the spiritual personality as a primary consideration for a mate), and then put some other things we think/do that should demand the same conscientiousness:

  1. Do I think of my responsibility to the Lord when considering a job? Will it interfere?
  2. Do I think of the Lord first when considering my vacations? Do I make sure that I will be able to worship with sound congregations and not just whoever is available?
  3. Is God first when I look for a place to live (or relocate), or does the place and salary determine what I do?
  4. Am I often too sick for worship or Bible class, but up bright and early for work the next day?
  5. Are my best friends strong Christians or are they in the weak and non-Christian category?

You could easily add more, but the point is hard to miss. Mrs. Alston spoke of the importance of putting the Lord and church first, and we have certainly seen how the Lord emphasized that many times.

Johnny Oxendine

Give Me the Truth

If you are my friend, if you are concerned about my soul, give me the truth. Do not flatter me. Do not praise my virtues while remaining silent about my vices. Do not fear the truth will offend me. Do not treasure our friendship, our friendly relations, above my salvation.

Do not think by ignoring my sins can help me. Do not think that being blind to my sins will prove you charitable. However I may react to it, whatever may be my attitude toward you after you have done it, GIVE ME THE TRUTH. For the Truth, and only the Truth can make me free from the shackles of sin, strengthen me in the pathway of righteousness, and lead me to heaven’s joy.

If I am wavering, weak, lukewarm, indifferent, neglectful; if I have been overtaken in a trespass; if I have been drawn into the pleasure of the world; if I have left my first love; if I have been led astray by error; or if I have done none of these, but simply need to grow in knowledge and be edified, GIVE ME THE TRUTH!

Author Unknown


When things are not going the way you wish them to go, nor in the way you think best, remember: “It is not in man that walketh to direct his own steps” (Jeremiah 10:23).

When the things you have received are not the things you wanted, remember: “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down fro the Father of lights” (James 1:17).

When you are depressed with the cares of this life, and you do not think yourself capable of going on, remember: “The peace of God, which passeth all understanding” (Philippians 4:7) can be yours.

When you try to live right, but fall victim to sin, remember: the Psalmist declared, “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee” (Psalm 119:11).

When you feel your temptations are greater than you can bear, and you fear that their weight will soon collapse your supports, remember: “God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able” (I Corinthians 10:13).

When you feel that no man before you has ever carried the kind of load you must carry, remember: Jesus carried His cross to Calvary (John 19:17).

When you think your contributions of time and effort are useless, and that you can offer nothing to God worthwhile, remember: Paul declared that your labor in the Lord is not vain (I Corinthians 15:58).

When you feel that you are incapable of learning God’s Word, and that your are unable to find the truth you are seeking, remember: Jesus promised, “seek, and ye shall find” (Matthew 7:7; John 7:17).

When you feel that you have no influence on the lives of others, remember: “For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself” (Romans 14:7).

When you feel that no one cares for you, remember: Jesus cared enough for you to die for you.

When you feel that no man loves you, remember: Jesus loved you enough to offer salvation to you.

When you feel that no one is your friend, remember: Jesus said, “Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you” (John 15:14).

When you feel you need guidance, protection, comfort, hope, and consolation, remember: “For in him we live, and move, and have our very being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring” (Acts 17:28).

Whatever the need, whatever the problem, remember: Jesus of Nazareth, “who loved me, gave himself for me” (Galatians 2:20).

Tim Smith

Things to make you think...

...You cannot always prevent people from saying evil things about you, but can so live that no one will believe it.

...A man may fall several times, but he is not a failure until he begins saying someone pushed him.

...All that is not eternal is eternally out of date.

...Correction does much, but encouragement does much more.

…Sorrow cannot be divorced from sin.

…Truth cannot be changed by majority vote.

…Measure your fellowman by his excellencies, not by his shortcomings.

…Since the days of Adam, men have been busy disclaiming personal responsibility.

…Men regret their words more often than they regret their silence.

…A human creed hampers faith and spiritual growth. Let us make the Christ – His life and teaching – our only creed.

…The man who speaks evil of your brother in his absence would speak evil of you in your absence. To a backbiter, lend no encouragement — Do not lend him your ear!

Author Unknown