The Christian Ethic

  1. The Christian ethic is a revealed — not a speculative ethic.
  2. The Christian ethic is a unified —not a self-contradictory one.
  3. The Christian ethic is a metaphysical one.
  4. The Christian ethic is an absolute ethic.
  5. The Christian ethic is an ethic which recognizes the roles of (1) intrinsic and instrumental good (2) intrinsic and instrumental evil.
  6. The Christian ethic is a religious ethic.
  7. The Christian ethic is one which involves the thoughts of the mind (“heart”) as well as the deeds of the body.
  8. The Christian ethic is one which involves the conscience of each individual person.
  9. The Christian ethic is one of self-denial and self-sacrifice. 
  10. The Christian ethic is one vitally connected with the free will of man and with the responsibility which accompanies such freedom.
  11. The Christian ethic is an ethic of social consciousness.
  12. The Christian ethic is one of striving for perfection.
  13. The Christian ethic is one of grace.
  14. The Christian ethic is one of helpfulness (in the living of the Christian life) on the part of God.
  15. The Christian ethic is one which involves love in both directions (from God to man and from man to God).
  16. The Christian ethic is one of continued growth throughout life.
  17. The Christian ethic is one of showing mercy and kindness to one’s fellowman.

Thomas B. Warren

Let a Man Examine Himself

1 Corinthians 11:28

When we examine others, we justify self—but when we examine self, we are more disposed to justify others. Let a man—Examine his company (Psalms 1; Proverbs 13:20). Fowl of a feather flock together. Examine his habits (I John 2:15). Examine his thoughts (Psalms 10:4). “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7). Examine his affections (Colossians 3:2). “To be carnally minded is death” (Romans 8:6). Examine his motives (I Corinthians 10:31). Are they acting for self or God? (Colossians. 3:17). 

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