What Does “Vox Populi, Vox Dei” Mean?

“The voice of the people is the voice of God,” is the translation of the ancient Latin expression serving as the title of this article. In a democracy such a sentiment sounds good. Especially does it soothe the ear in a society that is permeated with humanism.

When one examines God’s infallible Will, he immediately notices that most of the time most of the people are not in sympathy with the Truth of God. More than this is the fact that the Bible reveals that God’s people are very rarely content to remain submissive to His Will over any extended period of time. Just six chapters into the Bible and some 1500 years from the creation, God is pleased with only eight people out of the whole human race (Genesis 6:5-6).

Concerning God’s chosen people of the Old Testament, the Jews, God said of them at the time of the golden calf incident: “...I have seen this people, and behold, it is a stiffnecked people” (Exodus 32:1-9).

Paul warned that some members of the church would conduct themselves according to the aforementioned phrase, with not a few elders and preachers in the lead (Acts 20:28-31; I Timothy 4:1ff; II Timothy 4:1-4)! Therefrom a great apostasy resulted; and there is not any indication that mankind, in the church or out of it, has changed. That is, man has yet to learn that the voice of the people is NOT the voice of God.

It is still true that the Bereans “...were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so” (Acts 17:11; also see II Timothy 2:15). Yes, all of us have, do, and will continue to benefit from those who have gone before us in their studies. Surely no one is opposed to such benefits and blessings in the least; but that is not the point under consideration. My point is this: THE MAJORITY POSITION ON ANY SUBJECT DOES NOT IN AND OF ITSELF ALONE MAKE IT RIGHT! When the people understand this point they will know why the Bereans were called noble by God, and they will understand Acts 17:11.

"Vox Populi, vox Dei” is Satan’s formula and has no place among the faithful of God. Let us strive to make the voice of God the voice of the people. Our plea, therefore, is: “If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God...” (I Peter 4:11); “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation...” (Romans 1:16); “But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine” (Titus 2:1); and “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good” (I Thessalonians 5:21).

David P. Brown

Rebuilding Jerusalem

“Unless we have a distinctive plea we have no right to exist. The day we become like the denominations around us, that day ends our right to exist as a distinct religious people. If we have a distinctive plea, in that consists our strength. I believe that our distinctive principles are made less prominent in our pulpit now than formerly. I do not mean that our preachers should be always on what is called ‘first principles.’ Very far from it. But I do mean that all our members should be deeply indoctrinated in the things that distinguish us from other religious peoples. The people should understand why they occupy the position they do. The better this is understood the more it will be appreciated, and the more firm and consistent will be the Christian life. When people are led to believe that sectarianism is about as good as New Testament Christianity their influence for the cause we plead is positively hurtful. Whenever we begin to curry favor with the sects and fawn upon them for recognition, we are certain to say but little about a plea that lays the axe at the root of the whole denominational tree. Whenever we begin to curry favor with the world, we are certain to fall in with the world’s notions, and adjust ourselves to the world’s ways. Hence much of that in which churches now indulge in the way of worldly amusements, carnal methods of raising money, the spirit of mere entertainment in the worship, etc., is due to the fact that they copy the sects, rather than the New Testament churches; and are filled with the spirit of the world, instead of the spirit of Christ.”

F. G. Allen (1836-1885)

From a sermon entitled “Rebuilding Jerusalem” published in 1926 in New Testament Christianity


Heaven – What It Is


“Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world” (Matthew 25:34).


Heaven is a Divinely prepared place and God has provided for men to receive it.


1. God created man in His own image (Genesis 1:26).

     A. God is not flesh but rather Spirit (John 4:24).

     B. God is eternal (I Timothy 1:17).

     C. The flesh of men is dust and shall return to the dust (Genesis 3:19;  Ecclesiastes 12:7).

     D. The spirit of man never dies, he lives on (Ecclesiastes 12:7;  Matthew 22:32).

2. The ever-living spirits of men must have a home.

     A. Both the righteous and unrighteous shall not remain on this earth (Luke 16:19-31).

     B. All shall come forth from the graves (John 5:28-29).

     C. The righteous have considered themselves but  sojourners in this life and yearn for a Kingdom to come (Hebrews 11:13-16).

3. The city which those righteous pilgrims sought is Heaven.

     A. Heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people.

     B. Heaven is a pure place for a pure people.

     C. Heaven is a precious place for a precious people.


I. Heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people.

     A. Heaven has been prepared by God (John 14:1-3; Titus 1:2).

     B. God’s Word teaches all men how to be prepared.

          a. Eternal life is in the Son of God (I John 5:11).

          b. One gets into the Son by obeying the Gospel (Galatians 3:26-27).

NOTE: Salvation is also in the Christ (II Timothy 2:10). Salvation and eternal life are one and the same. Salvation is in the church Acts 2:47). Therefore, one cannot reject the Church of Christ and gain Heaven.

II. Heaven is a pure place for a pure people.

     A. Heaven is a place of absolute purity (Revelation  21:22-27).

     B. The Gospel calls us to pure lives.

          a. We become pure through obeying the Gospel (I Peter 1:22).

          b. The pure shall see God (Matthew 5:8).

          c. Only purity is accepted before God (James 1:27).

III. Heaven is a precious place for a precious people.

     A. Heaven is worth more than all the world (Matthew  16:26).

     B. God’s people are precious in His sight (Psalm 116:15).

          a. Psalm 37:31-33.

          b. I Peter 5:7.

          c. Hebrews 13:5.

     C. God has shown how precious by giving His only begotten Son (John 3:16)

John Rose


The Main Attraction

I recall an advertisement in which a talented group of acrobats was billed as the “main attraction” of an amusement park. No doubt, the drawing power of this team was being used to the best advantage by the promoter. Looking into the Bible, I see the “main attraction” quite clearly. Jesus said, “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto myself “ (John 12:32). Preaching “Jesus Christ, and him crucified” (1 Cor. 1:23; 2:2) is to be the focal point of our message. 

Some promote gimmicks, games, giveaways, and gymnasiums, instead of dedicating themselves to a plain, bold, and forthright proclamation of the Gospel, which alone saves souls. Millions of dollars of the Lord’s money are spent emphasizing entertainment and social functions, making the Lord’s precious church into hardly more than a soup line for the distribution of loaves and fishes, when we should be pointing people to eternal water and eternal food (John 4:10–14; John 6:26–27)! Some will continue to draw attention to programs, speakers, edifices, and novelties. 

Some pulpits will persist in feeding spiritually starved people with a “social gospel” that talks of psychology, weight loss, and “feeling good about yourself.” 

However, faithful followers of the Master know that His way and message are best. So, by the help of God, we will continue to point men and women to the Lord through direct, timely, and much needed Bible preaching. Jesus and His Word are what the world and the church desperately need! 

Let us put our emphasis back on spiritual matters rather than material. Let us, through our teaching and preaching, feed people with God’s Word, which is able to build them up and give them an inheritance among all them that are sanctified (Acts 20:32). 

Lynn Parker

Which Is More Important?

  1. Which is more important to you? Making sure your dog (or cat) gets fed every day or making sure that your child gets daily spiritual nourishment?
  2. Which is more important to you? Watching television or taking time for prayer and Bible study every day?
  3. Which is more important to you? The time you spend playing tennis (or fishing, hunting, golfing, etc.) or the time you spend with your children?
  4. Which is more important to you? The time you spend adorning your body or the time that you spend improving the inner man?
  5. Which is more important to you? What you think of last Sunday’s sermon or what God thinks of your response to the sermon?
  6. Which is more important to you? The preacher speaking to you at the door after worship or the preacher speaking to you through the sermon?
  7. Which is more important to you? The condition and appearance of your house or what goes on inside your house?
  8. Which is more important to you? The temperature in the church building or the spiritual temperature of the church which meets in the building?
  9. Which is more important to you? The number of people who show an interest in you or the number of people in whom you show an interest?
  10. Which is more important to you? The number of people who speak to you at church services or the number of people to whom you speak? 

Author Unknown