Salvation by Faith and Honest Searchers of Scripture

We should all be searchers of the Scriptures helping each other come to an understanding of the truth, which is the Word of God (John 17:17). I believe that there is much for me to learn from God’s Word, but I also believe that I can know the truth and can know that I am saved (1 John 5:13). I also know that there are many false teachers in the world and sometimes in the church (2 Peter 2:1-2; Matthew 7:15; Acts 20:29-30). There are some who wrest the Scriptures to their own destruction (2 Peter 5:16). We are warned, therefore, to try the spirits whether they are of God (1 John 4:1). The majority is not necessarily the right standard (see Matthew 7:13-14); following the traditions of men including the majority is what Isaiah and Jesus had in mind when they described people’s reception (or lack of it) of God’s Word: “For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them” (Matthew 13:15; see Isaiah 6 10). The right standard, the standard by which we will all be judged, is the inspired Word (John 12:48).

I believe that we are “justified by faith” (Romans5:1)—that is what the text says. But what kind of faith saves? Paul begins and ends this letter to the Romans by defining the faith that saves (justifies). In Romans 1:5 he refers to the “obedience to the faith” and in Romans 16:26 he concludes with “the obedience to the faith.” The kind of faith that justifies is the kind of faith that obeys. Abraham’s faith, since he is the “father of the faithful,” is a prime illustration of this. See James 2:21-24. By the way, the only verse in the entire New Testament that says anything about faith alone as it relates to salvation is in James 2. It reads: “Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only” (verse 24).Even the demons believe (James 2:19), but surely they are not saved. Notice please that Romans 5:1 does not say that one is justified by “faith ONLY,” I believe that would be adding to the Scriptures, don’t you?

Consider Acts 11:12-18. Look at verse 14. Cornelius was told to send for Peter, a preacher, “who shall tell thee words, whereby thou and thy house shall be saved.”  Some of those words Peter told them “whereby thou and thy house shall be saved” included that which is here referenced: “And he (Peter) commanded them (Cornelius and his household) to be baptized” (Acts 10:48). [this is water baptism (see also Acts 8:36); Holy Spirit baptism is nowhere commanded in the Scriptures] While we are here, let me emphasize that the book of Acts records cases of conversion in the first century. Look at these records carefully. Baptism is the only act of obedience that is specifically mentioned in every single case of conversion recorded…not hearing the Gospel, not faith, not repentance, not confessing faith. The rest are surely implied in each case, but baptism is specifically mentioned and yet it the one that many object to. If baptism is a work, it is a work of God (not a meritorious human work) for He authorized it, but so is even faith (John 6:29). God’s plan for the salvation of man involves the preaching and teaching of the Gospel, God’s Word, and not some direct operation on the human heart. If the later were the case God would be a respecter of persons (Acts 10:34).

Consider Mark 16:16 (some question the authenticity of this verse, but I have considered the evidence and believe it to be part of the inspired text). The text reads: “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.” Jesus did not say “He that believeth shall be saved and be baptized if he decides he wants to or to demonstrate that he is saved.” The conjunction “and “ties the two things together. You cannot meet half of the requirements and meet the requirements. Both are necessary. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved. Then consider the last part: “he that believeth not shall be damned.” Some suggest that nothing is said about the one not baptized. Such is not necessary. This is statement of Jesus is parallel to this sentence: “He that eateth and digesteth his food shall live; but he that eateth not shall die.” In this case it should be obvious that if one refuses to eat then digestion would not occur and therefore the person would die. The same is true in the statement of Jesus which is parallel.

But also consider: “Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost” (Acts 2:38). Man is lost because of his sins. Unless and until those sins are forgiven, he will remain lost. To receive the remission of sins (this phrase “unto the remission of sins” is exactly parallel to “unto to the remission of sins” in Matthew 26:28 if you need help in determining the meaning here) one must “repent and be baptized.” Note the conjunction and again. Both repentance and baptism are required—not just one, but both. In Acts 22:16, Saul is told to be baptized to “wash away” his sins. Not here or anywhere else in the Scriptures is it taught that baptism is an outward act signifying sins already remitted, or forgiven.

Hence, completely in agreement with all of these Scriptures (and more which could be cited); “The like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God,) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 3:21).

“Study to show thyself approved unto God…” (2 Timothy 2:15). Be like the Bereans and search the Scriptures to see whether these things are true (Acts 17:11).

“Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?” (Galatians 4:16). I pray that the Lord will open your heart through His Word.

Lester Kamp

With My Whole Heart…

“I will praise thee, O LORD, with my whole heart…” (Psalm 9:1).

Is there any part of man that should be withheld from Him with Whom we have to do? How can we serve Him partially? What should we do to ensure that we are serving Him with our whole heart? These three questions, while they may appear blasé to some, may well determine the destiny of the person sitting nearest you as you read these lines…and they may well determine the destiny of the person sitting nearest them as well. Let us spend a few minutes considering each question in the light of the passage we have selected as our text.

I. Is There Any Part Of Man That Should Be Withheld From Him With Whom We Have To Do?

On the very face of it the answer to this question is pretty simple: no. We might even begin before this question and ask why anyone would wish to withhold anything from Him with Whom we have to do. Without Him we would not be. And not being we certainly would not know the beauty of a mountain sunrise or summer breeze or a quiet sunset. Not being we would never see the look of love on our children’s faces or hear them call our name anytime some little thing frightened them or perhaps when they have fallen and scraped a knee. Now, since He has given us life and all things in it what on earth would move us to want to withhold anything from Him for which He might ask? It flies in the face of logic! Having given us so much, even if He did ask of us that we give Him our very lives it would be no large price to pay. If we have drawn a breath it is His. So what if He wants it back? Is it not Him to want back? Should He turn from us this very minute and withhold from us all blessings henceforth we would cease to exist. We would simply not be. Anything, therefore, that He desires of us we ought to give Him. He is worthy! He alone is worthy! 

 II. How Can We Serve Him Partially? Is it possible to serve Him partially?

I suppose, after a sort, it is. Inasmuch as we can perform some of the tasks commanded by Him and leave others undone we can serve Him partially. That is not, of course, to say that He will acknowledge such, not by any means. But how can we do such a thing? We have noted already that He has given us all, is there any right or just way that we can give back to Him less than He has given to us? Of course, if we give Him our all we still have not given Him as much as He has given us. But in His grace He will accept our all if we give it. I often think of those who “do” many right things only to fall short in so many other areas. Think of the denominations with their charitable endeavors, or the Catholics with their active interest in health care or the many individuals who are so nice and profess so great a love for the Lord. They do many right things, but not enough. “If we keep the whole law and offend in one point…” How sad! But then, whose duty is it to know whether a man is serving fully? Is it not the duty of each man to determine as much from the Word? That being true, it is sad, not because of the consequences to the partially obedient, but sad that they would set an example of partial service — partial obedience -- which is, in essence, but full disobedience!

 III. What should we do to ensure that we are serving Him with our whole heart?

In essence, this question deals with ensuring that we are not guilty of full disobedience by rendering only partial service. Every man will stand and answer before the judgment seat of the Lord for himself. Therefore every man has the duty of preparing for that accounting. How can I make such preparations as to be ready to give account? I would suggest to you first of all that we must study the Bible for ourselves. Never be content to believe “what we have always believed” on any subject. Learn the meaning of words you do not understand. Know that you know that you know what that passage really means. Meditate on the things you study. Mull them over. Consider them from every perspective. Be sure. Having done that, implement into your life what God requires of you. Leave nothing undone. If it means losing sleep, lose sleep. If it means making major changes in every aspect of your life, make major changes in every aspect of your life. Do whatever you must do to comply in every particular with the Word. Then, having studied and obeyed, never quit. You will never reach the age of retirement from Christianity. Retirement from your secular employment may come, but there is no retirement age from being a Christian! When you die nothing more will be required of you. Remain steadfast in all matters at all times and continue to study and to obey and never grow complacent The Lord will reward you accordingly.

Do you see how the answer to these three questions may well determine the destiny awaiting you? Rather, can you see a way wherein the answer to these three questions will not determine your destiny? May God bless you as you study and obey His word.

Tim Smith

Offering the Invitation

On the day of Pentecost, after his sermon, which concluded with the plan of salvation, Peter used “many other words” of exhortation, including the persuasive plea, “Save yourselves from this crooked generation.” About 3,000 souls responded in obedience (Acts 2:38–41). The Gospel invitation is not as specifically described in other New Testament records of conversion, but can any doubt that those zealous preachers exhorted, persuaded, and invited men to respond in Gospel obedience after they preached to them?

 In spite of both Scriptural example and practical considerations, a move has been underfoot by some brethren for several years to dispense with the invitation. I well remember the pressure put on me to stop extending an invitation at the close of my sermons in a large West Texas congregation soon after I began work there in 1972. The basis of this insistence was that it was only a “human tradition.” That church (as I soon discovered) was (and still is) set on overturning every long-standing practice, even if it was in God’s Word. (I insisted that I would offer the invitation each time I preached as long as I was preaching there, which I did—my entire tenure of seven months there!) That church has moved ever further from the Truth, and it has for decades deceived the public (and perhaps itself) by continuing to employ the Scriptural designation, “Church of Christ” on its property.

 Some preaching brethren have now “outgrown” offering any invitation at all. This is just as well in some cases, I suppose. Some of the “sermons” being “preached” have little in them to produce any conviction of sins that might provoke a public response. Many who still offer an invitation pattern it more after Billy Graham than Simon Peter (e. g., “Come and accept Christ as your personal Savior” or “If you need to respond, please come forward”). If the sermon had nothing to do with the plan of salvation (very likely in such preachers), with such a general invitation how is a sinner to know (1) he needs to respond and (2) what response he should make?

I never assume that everyone in an assembly I address (1) is a Christian, (2) is a faithful Christian, or (3) knows what to do to be saved. Since not every sermon can be on the plan of salvation, I have made it my practice through the years to conclude my sermons with an invitation emphasizing (1) the urgency of being at peace with God through the blood of Christ, (2) what the Lord requires of men for such peace, and (3) the urgency of responding immediately. I plan to persevere in this practice. (Inexperienced speakers sometimes fail in these matters simply because they have not thought them through. However, men who have preached even a few years have no such excuse.)

Dub McClish