G — Good News (Matthew 28:5-6; I Corinthians 15:1-7).

O — Originating in love (John 3:16).

S — Simple, yet profound (Isaiah 35:8; I Corinthians 2:10).

P — Powerful to Save (Romans 1:16).

E — Eternal Salvation, bringing (Hebrews 5:8-9).

L — Leading to a beautiful life (Matthew 7:14).

​Author Unknown

Contending For The Faith Lectureship

 Contending For The Faith Lectureship and other related matters: 

The theme for the lectureship was: Christ, the Great Controversialist. These lessons all had to do with Christ confronting error during his earthly ministry. Jesus did not cower in fear when his doctrine was challenged. He did not fear those who opposed the Truth and espoused error—He confronted error and oftentimes fiercely. He was not some milquetoast, namby-pamby, effeminate man who had no courage or fortitude. He went out and challenged the errorists, many of which were the religious leaders of his day. You can still here these lectures on www.churchesofchrist.com. This would be well worth your time.  

Contending for the Faith is a bi-monthly publication that is now available free of charge. Go to cftfpaper.com and subscribe today. You need to read this great publication.