The Gospel Plan of Salvation

HEAR the word of God; the Bible (Romans 10:17)

BELIEVE the word of God and that Jesus is Lord (John 8:24; Hebrews 11:6)

REPENT of sin (Acts 17:30)

CONFESS that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God (Matthew 10:32-33)

BE BAPTIZED in order to receive remission of sins (Acts 2:38); in order to have past sins washed away (Acts 22:16); in order to get into the body of Christ, the church (Romans 6:3-4; Acts 2:47); in order to be saved (Mark16:15-16; I Peter 3:21)

LIVE FAITHFULLY in accordance with God’s word (I John 1:6-9; Revelation 2:10)


Sermons We Can See

I’d rather see a sermon than to hear one any day. 

   I’d rather one would walk with me than merely show the way. 

The eye’s the better pupil, more willing than the ear. 

   Fine counsel is confusing but example is always clear. 

The best of all the preachers are the men who live their creed. 

   For to see the good in action is what everybody needs. 

If you let me watch you do it, I can see just how it’s done. 

   I can see your hands in action, but your tongue may run too fast. 

And the sermons you deliver may be very wise and true.

   But I’d rather get my lesson from observing what you do. 

For I may misunderstand you and the high advice you give. 

   But there is no misunderstanding how you act and how you live (read Matthew 5:14-16).

Author Unknown

The Bible

Is God’s own letter to man. Is the source of our information concerning eternal life. Is our guide for daily living. Is the final word in matters of religion. Tells of the truth which will set you free from sin. Gives me trength and comfort. Tells me how to live happily. Is the center of our education. With such a book as this available to us, we certainly need to be diligent to know its contents. Are you studying the Bible regularly?

Author Unknown

End-Time Backlash

We know that “of that day and hour” we are ignorant — and so forever shall remain right up until “that day and hour.” We are given no signs concerning its arrival, no warnings, no preindicators, nothing. He will come “as a thief in the night.” That true, could it be that many, out of sheer exhaustion from fighting against the error of the prevaricating prognosticators, have grown careless in their watching? The fact that we have no signs or indications whatsoever in no wise means that He will not come today!

We do not know when He comes, but we do know that He is coming. It may be today. It could be tomorrow. It could be next week. It could be twenty thousand-years in the future. We do not know. Our part is to live right. So living it will not matter when He comes.

Equally important with the date of His return, and equally unknown to us, is the date of our death. We do not know when our natural life will end. It could be today. It could be tomorrow. It could be next week. It most certainly will not wait twenty-thousand years! Still, we do not know when it will be. Now, if people ignorant of their own coming death will not live right, is it any surprise that something that may yet linger twenty-thousand years distant has failed to move them?

In the final analysis, it does not matter when He comes or when we die if we are living right. To be prepared for the one is to be prepared for the other. To live right is to die right and that is to be with Him in Heaven forever. Are you living right? May God bless you as you study and obey His Word.

Tim Smith​