For centuries James 2:14-26, has been the occasion of much controversy; and, it was this passage which prompted Martin Luther to regard the Epistle of James with considerable contempt, and to describe it as “a right strawy one.” Others, who entertain no doubts regarding the inspiration of the book and passage have nevertheless engaged in much useless and vain speculation thereon in an effort to harmonize an alleged conflict of teaching between James and Paul! There are those who believe that Paul, in Rom. 4:1-6, teaches that justification is by faith without works of any kind; and, inasmuch as James, in this passage (2:14-26), quite obviously affirms that there is no justification apart from works, it poses quite a problem for the advocates or the doctrine of salvation by faith only. Moreover, Paul, in Ephesians 2:8-9, wrote: ‘For by grace have ye been saved through faith: and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not of works that no man should glory” Yet, James asserted: “Was not Abraham our father justified by works, in that he offered up Isaac his son upon the altar? Thou seest that faith wrought with his works. and by works was faith made perfect” (James 2:21-22).

It should be apparent to the must casual reader that Paul and James are discussing two different kinds or works in these passages. Paul refers to works which are excluded from God’s plan to save; James discusses works which are included in it. Each writer gives the characteristics of the works under consideration. Those excluded, discussed by Paul, are works in which one might glory (exult in, boast of); the works included (mentioned by James) are those which perfect faith. Of the first category, works of which a man might boast and in which he might glory, are human, meritorious works, works of human achievement, works the design of which is to earn salvation. Were it possible for man to devise a plan by which he could save himself, he could dispense with grace, accomplish his own deliverance from sin, and glory in God’s presence. Such of course, is utterly impossible. All such works are excluded.

The works included, and discussed by James, are the commandments of the Lord, obedience to which is absolutely essential to salvation (I John 2:4; II Thessalonians 1:7-9.) Humble submission to the will of God as expressed in his commandments, far from involving works of the type excluded, demonstrate complete reliance upon God, and not upon one’s self. Only those who seek to exclude all work, even the commandments of the Lord, such as baptism in water for the remission of sins (Mark 16.15-16; Acts 2:38), have any difficulty in harmonizing Paul and James! Paul taught the necessity of obedience to the commands of Christ as plainly, positively and emphatically as did James (Romans 6:3-4).

Guy N. Woods

Lowering the Bar

When I was young I played a game with my brothers and sisters and other neighborhood kids that required the participants to jump over sticks held at various heights. These sticks would be raised with each round of the game and if you did not successfully “clear” the stick by jumping over it you’d be humiliated, muddy-kneed, and eliminated from the game. Sometimes in an attempt to “look out” for my younger siblings I would “lower the bar” for those which were younger and less athletic than the older kids. This allowed them “to think” they were included and accepted. I suppose this is a natural human instinct which is evidenced in our schools when grading is done on the curve and no kid is left behind. It is far easier to lower the bar than have one suffer the shame of not being passed with his classmates. 

Surely this must be a human action since God did not “lower the bar” for Cain in regard to his sacrifice (Genesis 4:4-5). God did not “lower the bar” for Noah in that the requirements for the Ark had to be met for Noah to survive the flood. God did not “lower the bar” for the other inhabitants of the earth in Noah’s day in that those that did not get on the Ark perished (Genesis7:23). In Moses day, in the wilderness when serpents were sent to bite the people, the bar was not lowered in that all who failed to look upon the fiery serpent provided by Moses as directed by God, died (Numbers 21:8-9)

We could follow the history of man and mankind’s dealing with God and we will find that God never lowers the bar. Israel “lowered the bar” when it desired a king so they could be like the nations around them (1 Samuel 8:4-7). They continued to not only “lower the bar” but tore it down when the prophetJeremiah pleaded with them to return to God’s ways and be faithful in Jeremiah 6:16 and when they responded: “We will not walk therein.”

We see in the scriptures that God does not “lower the bar”, so does it not stand to reason that if we try to seek redemption in any other way than that which God has prescribed that we will fail to be victorious and will not receive that which He has prepared for the faithful? If “we” attempt to “lower the bar” to make others feel included and accepted, we attempt to circumvent God’s plan for redemption, and we too will be lost for eternity. 

Sadly, “lowering the bar” is evident in many congregations of the Lord’s church today. We see it in congregations when they no longer carefully consider the “thus sayeth The Lord” in everything but take the “pulse” of the congregation and allow that to be the basis for their decisions. 

Let us be careful not to “lower the bar” when it comes to our service to God, but rather seek to know what God wants us to do according to His Word and faithfully do it to the best of our ability while here of earth. Don’t be deceived. The bar may be lowered here on earth to accommodate more folks, but at the judgment, ”the bar” has been set by God and WILL NOT BE LOWERED. (John 12:48)

Dennis Strickland