A Message to the Faithful

Too much of our writing, preaching, and visiting is directed to the weak and unfaithful.  We want to reverse that order here. This article is not addressed to you who have to be begged, petted, and pampered before you will attend the services of the church, and still are absent as often as you are present.  This isn't for those who only give the church their excuses, and grumble, complain, that category can stop now, for this is not written for you.  This is written for the faithful.

The vocabulary is not large enough to tell you wonderful people how much you are appreciated. It does not matter how many meetings the elders call in a week, you will be present. Neither the weather nor company of any kind is able to keep you from your responsibilities. Whatever attractions or distractions the world may offer; you will not forsake the Lord or His people. You make whatever sacrifices are necessary. You always support fully every program submitted by the Elders and deacons.  You will accept an assignment, when you do it is a forgone conclusion that you will successfully complete it.

You don't flirt with sin and see how worldly you can become without completely apostatizing.  You are appreciated even more because you demand no special attention or praise or recognition for your service, and you do not consider regular and faithful attendance of each class or worship period in services to God as a grievous burden or a great feat of valor.  You are a good example to the youngest member and an inspiration to all. You make the work of an elder, preacher, deacon, or Bible class teacher much lighter. Thank you for being what the Bible describes as a simple New Testament Christian!

Author Unknown

For Faithful Christians

Too much of our writing, preaching and visiting is directed to the weak and unfaithful. We want to reverse that order here. This article is not addressed to you who have to be begged, petted and pampered before you will attend the services of the church, and still are absent as much as you are present.

This isn’t for those who grumble the most while doing the least! Those in that category can stop reading now, for this is not written to you. This is written to the faithful.

Our vocabulary is not large enough to tell YOU WONDERFUL PEOPLE how much you are appreciated. It does not matter how many meetings we have each week, you will be present. Neither the weather nor company of any kind is able to keep you from your responsibilities.

Whatever attractions or detractions the world may offer, you will not forsake the Lord. You make whatever sacrifices are necessary. You have no more time than the unfaithful members do, but somehow you manage to find time to serve our Master with the finest and best of your time and talents.

Whatever good programs are put before the church, no one wonders what your response will be. You always support fully every good work. You will accept an assignment and when you do it, it is a foregone conclusion that you will successfully complete it.

You don’t flirt with sin and see how worldly you can become without completely apostatizing. You are appreciated and even more because you demand no special attention or praise for your service, and you do not consider regular and faithful attendance of each class and worship period in service to God as a grievous burden or a great feat of valor.

You are a good example to the youngest member and an inspiration to all. You make the work of each of us much lighter. Thank you for being what the Bible describes as a simple New Testament Christian.

Author unknown

Church Discipline Equals Saving Souls

Since the first Pentecost following the resurrection of Christ, God recognizes only faithful members of the church of Christ as the saved of the earth (Acts 2:47). These persons who heard the Word of God, had faith in Christ formed in them by their correct understanding of the Word (the Gospel; Mark 16:15-16; Romans 1:16), repented of their sins, confessed their faith in Christ, and baptized (immersed) in water by the authority of Christ into the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in order to obtain the remission (forgiveness) of sins (Romans 10:17; Acts 17:30; Romans 10:10; Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 2:38; Romans 6: 3-4; I Peter 3:21; Acts 22:16). This is God’s plan of salvation. It is obligatory upon man. Less than these steps in God’s plan one cannot do and be saved from his sins. More than what this plan of salvation requires God does not demand of one in order for him to be saved from sin. Only persons who have complied with the preceding plan of salvation are authorized to be fellowshipped by other children of God (Acts 2:41; Ephesians 5:23).

In order to remain in fellowship with God, church members must continue to live according to the New Testament teaching regarding Christian living (Acts 2:42; I John 1:7). Since space does not allow for a detailed discussion of obligatory matters in Christian living, suffice it to say that obligatory matters relating to faithfulness pertain to what Christians must do to remain saved. A child of God who ceases to submit to any or all of God’s obligatory laws (New Testament principles that one must abide by in order to remain saved or faithful) must have any relationship between himself and faithful members of the Lord’s church terminated.

Christians must understand that all the processes or means by which the church teaches and trains its members to “walk in the light” is disciplinary in nature. However, I am emphasizing the responsibility of faithful members to restore wayward members and to keep the church pure by withdrawing fellowship from those who are determined to live disorderly lives (lives not in submission to the obligatory matters of the Gospel of Christ or those who create factions by making laws for God and splitting the church by striving to make other Christians submit to them as if they were obligatory in nature). The design of all church discipline is to save erring brethren and to keep the church pure in life and teaching.

When the church fails to discipline her members she is not doing all God demands her to do and be. It is a sin of omission (James 4:17). God intends for the church of Christ to be His influence for good on the earth. When church members are allowed to be impure, it is impossible for the mission of the church to be accomplished as God intended. Hence, when members of the church persist in sin, faithful brethren must labor to get the unfaithful to repent. However, if in time a church member adamantly refuses to repent, the church is to withdraw itself from the rebellious member. This means that this person is not to enjoy the fraternal association that exists between and among faithful members of the church of Christ (Romans 16:17-18; I Corinthians 5; II Thessalonians 3:6, 14-15; Galatians 6:1-2). Sins that have their beginning in private between two brethren are taught by Christ to be handled according to Matthew 18:15-17. Furthermore, elders who will not demand that such be routinely preached and practiced are themselves sinning and need to repent. If they refuse to amend their ways, they become subjects for corrective church discipline themselves.

David P. Brown