Jesus has given the command to go and preach the gospel. Mark 16:15-16 states, “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.”

When Jesus used the word preach in this passage, he used a word that conveys a unique concept. Preaching is a proclamation of a message. It is a declaring of one’s position. Therefore, it is a very common form of presentation that is heard day after day by someone somewhere peddling their positions, whereas genuine Bible preaching is a very unique thing. Nothing can take the place of real Bible preaching, nor can its power really be measured.


Over and over again Christ and the apostles challenged the false positions of their day through preaching. Jesus refuted the false teachings of the Jewish teachers of His day. Notice His rebuke of them in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7). His denunciation of the scribes and Pharisees in Matthew 23 is but one example of many incidents of the Lord’s hatred for false doctrine. Though He had supreme love and compassion for the sinner, he hated every false way, for He knew that such would cause souls to be lost. Peter, in his sermon on Pentecost (Acts 2) as well as Paul’s sermon on Mars Hill (Acts 17), are two illustrations of how Christ and the apostles used the medium of preaching to expose error. We must do the same.


Bible preaching comes from the Bible. It is a presentation and an explanation of the greatest book in the world, the Bible. Peter, on the day of Pentecost, filled his sermon with quotations from the Old Testament. But, notice that it was not just a Bible quoting session; rather he went on to explain the scriptures which he used. There was no doubt in the minds of his hearers as to how these scriptures should be applied (Acts 2:16, 25). Gospel preaching must be Bible based and centered (Acts 2:17-21), but it must also let the people know what the scripture means and how it applies today. A person can read the Bible at home for him self. He can memorize every verse in the Bible, but if he misses the Bible’s proper explanation and application, then he has gained nothing toward growing in faith (II Peter 3:18). Bible preaching is based on God’s Word and is a correct explanation and application of that Word.


In Acts 2, Peter let his audience know they were sinners (Acts 2:36). There was no misunderstanding him about the matter. He exhorted them to do something about their spiritual condition (Acts 2:40). Peter stirred their consciences (Acts 2:37). Paul’s sermon to Felix caused Felix to tremble (Acts 24:25). Bible preaching is to convict men of their sins and exhort them to turn to the living God.

We need a revival today of the preaching that we hear. We need a return to first century preaching—the kind of preaching that is filled with the Bible—preaching that causes the hearer to realize his condition and urges him to do something about it. Then we will see, as the Word of God instructs, that it is indeed “quick, and powerful, and sharp er than any two-edged sword” (Hebrews 4:12).

Author Unknown

What About the Hen?

Sometime back some young fellow objected to the biblical account of creation, and informed an aged sister that he no longer accepted the Bible as true; he no longer believed in heaven; he had come to the conclusion that all matters are the result of evolutionary processes. This sister said to him that while she lacked his education opportunities, she would like to ask him a question or two: Would he please explain to her, which came first, the hen, or the egg? He thought about it a moment, smiled at such an easy question, and said that anybody ought to know that the hen was first. Of course, the hen was first. She said to him,

"Well, would you please tell me where that first hen came from, since, according to your own view, it didn't grow up from a chicken, and was not hatched from an egg? How do you account for the origin of that first hen?"

His brow knitted in perplexity; and he said that he had decided his first answer was a bit hasty; he hadn't given proper attention tot he question; had not thought it through. He felt sure now that, undoubtedly, the egg was first! Yes, certainly the egg was first. She said, "Do you mean to tell me that there was once a hen egg without a hen to lay it?" Then in his confusion, she said this to him:

"You can't even explain to me the mere existence of a hen without a God, and yet you expect me to believe in the universe without Him." 

Guy N. Woods