There are, in the church today, those who attempt to neutralize God's revelation to man with intimidation. These compromisers do not want to oppose error in any way, and are influencing souls to turn from God’s word to follow the path of least resistance, i.e., the path of worldly acceptance and religious union.

Compromising Christian — I suppose you have the old foggy idea that some people are going to roast in an eternal Hell.

Christian — The Bible teaches that each will reap what is sown (Galatians 6:7-8), and there are some activities which will result in man’s condemnation (Galatians 5:19-21; I Corinthians 6:9-11). God himself teaches that some of his rebellious creatures will be lost (Matthew 25:46).

Compromising Christian — Why that is the most dogmatic, narrow-minded, legalistic thing I have ever heard!

Christian — It is the teaching of God’s word!

Compromising Christian — You’re probably an old moss back who believes that shorts and other immodest clothing, mixed swimming, dancing and social drinking are sin.

Christian — Yes, it is a sin, but not because I think it is a sin but because God condemns these acts as works of the flesh (Romans 13:14; Galatians 5:19-21; i.e., revelling, drunkenness, lasciviousness).

Compromising Christian — Why that’s the most dogmatic, narrow-minded, legalistic thing I have ever heard!

Christian—But it is God’s message!

Compromising Christian—I imagine you have the same narrow views concerning divorce and remarriage.

Christian—God’s word is very plain concerning marriage, divorce and remarriage. God’s plan for marriage is one woman for one man for one life time (Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:5-6; Romans 7:1-4). If divorce takes place it must be for fornication (Matthew 19:9; Mark 10:12). To put away a mate for any other cause and to remarry is to be guilty of adultery (Matthew 19:9).

Compromising Christian —Well, I have never...that’s the most dogmatic, narrow-minded, legalistic thing I have ever heard.

Christian — It is taught by inspiration!

Compromising Christian — Do you honestly, actually, truly believe that using instrumental music in worship is a sin, and that people will be lost in Hell because they use it in their worship?

Christian — It isn’t what I believe that is important, what is important is what God has commanded. Each time music is mentioned in the New Testament (in the worship of Christians) it specifies vocal music (Acts 16:25; Romans 15:9; I Corinthians 14:15; Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16; Hebrews 2:12; 13:15; James 5:13). The transgression of God’s standard is sin (I John 3:4). It is God’s word which will be the standard of judgment (John 12:48-49).

Compromising Christian — That is the absolute end. That's the most dogmatic, narrow-minded, legalistic thing I have heard in my whole life!

But all the ranting, raving, intimidation and disparaging remarks do not change one iota of God’s revelation to man. It still stands, and will continue to stand (I Peter 1:25), till judgment when it will be God’s standard for judging the works of men (John 12:48-49).

The characters referred to in this article are not fictitious; they are real and exist in many congregations in the brotherhood today. May the compromising Christian see the error of his/her way and repent that salvation might be theirs in the hereafter.

Thomas F. Eaves, Sr.

“Book Review”

Brotherhood papers sometimes run pieces which they call “Book Review.” They take various books, review their contents, give summaries of the life of the author, and thus entice the readers of the paper to read the book. I have found a book which is reviewed very little, if ever, by most of the advocates of “modern preaching.” I would like to review it here and commend it to your reading.

 The author of this book has been around forever and a lot of his ideas on religion are commonly looked upon as being outdated and old-fashioned. He holds some really “tough” views on many “doctrinal issues” with which we are presently faced. Among these are:

  1. His conception of the New Testament church: He teaches that there is only one right church, and that it is right because it adheres to the Bible only in all matters of faith and practices. He denies that we should extend fellowship to the denominational world “upon their acceptance of Jesus as the Christ.” He denies that there are many “knowledgeable Christians scattered among the denominations.” It is his view that unless one obeys the commands of the New Testament, he is lost!
  2. His view on the Mechanical Instrument of Music in Worship: He holds that to add mechanical instruments is to do that which there is no authority. As a matter of fact, not one time from beginning to the end of his book do we read of his giving approval to this practice in the New Testament church. With him singing is all that is allowed, not singing and playing, and singing and humming.
  3. His view on Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage: The author of this book believes that for a man (any man) to marry and divorce for any reason other than fornication, and remarry, places him in the sinful state of adultery. It is further his position that the only way for him to have forgiveness for this sin is for him to repent (turn away from, break off the adulterous union).
  4. His View of False Teachers: He teaches that if a man is teaching error and will not repent, he needs to be “marked” and fellowship withheld from him (Romans 16:17-18).

These are just a few of his oddities which seem to have lost their place in our system, but still, this book is a good one.

The book under consideration was written over a period of 1600 years. It mentions many of the men known by its author, their failures and successes, their doctrinal stances, and their dealings with the author.

It contains poetry, history, and biography. It tells of love, hate, war, peace friends, and enemies. It is so popular that it has been printed in many languages and dialects.

At one time in history, only high-ranking church men were allowed to possess it. It was revered as the greatest book ever written. It was the desire of all mankind to own a copy, but most were denied this privilege. It was once heeded by all religious men as the high standard of judgment, and its words once filled our land with zeal. However, I have recently noticed its decline in popularity. We no longer hear it used in the pulpit as it once was. People have become so “image-minded” that they feel the use of this book might scar the image of the church. People are desiring to hear “smooth things,” and not the contents of this book.

You have guessed by now, the author’s name is JEHOVAH, and the name of His book is THE BIBLE. The honor it was once paid has been turned to scorn in some places. But this writer still loves the Book, and its Author. We need to spend our time reviewing the contents of God’s Book and preaching His Word.

Tim Smith