In 1942 when I was in Kansas City, someone stole my car. I had a new 1942 model NASH automobile. My car was gone! I did not know which way to turn. So I called the police. When they came, they began to ask questions. They asked, “What kind of car is it? What is the name of the car?” Suppose I said, “It doesn’t make any difference about a name. Just go find me a car.” They asked, “What model is it? When was it made?”

Suppose I said, “It doesn’t make any difference when it was made. Just get me a car. The model is immaterial.” Suppose that they had come back with an old 1914 model. I would have decided it did make a difference, would I not? I suspect that if I had talked to those policemen like that, they would have said, “He is drunk; we had better lock him up.” Yet I can talk to the world about the church and say, “It does not make any difference about the name, makes no difference when it was started, no difference what it does,” and the world says I am a scholar. If I had talked that way to the police, they would have said I was a drunk!

Yes, they have destroyed every identification mark of the church. But let me tell you, you can find the church that Jesus built, if you will get out and look for it in as sensible a manner as those police looked for my car.

G. K. Wallace

Is One Just As Good As Another?

  • When you were seeking a wife — Was one just as good as another?
  • When you last called the doctor — Was one just as good as another?
  • When he gave you a dose of medicine — Was one just as good as another?
  • When the pharmacist filled your prescription — Was one ingredient just as good as another?
  • When you paid the cashier — Was one amount just as good as another?
  • When you took your wife to the hospital — Was one baby just as good as another?
  • When the realtor handed you the deed — Was one just as good as another?
  • When the bank gave you a statement — Was one just as good as another?
  • When you got into your car — Was one just as good as another?
  • When you caught a bus or train — Was one just as good as another?
  • When Christ shed His blood for His church — How can another be as good as it?

Author Unknown