“Book Review”

Brotherhood papers sometimes run pieces which they call “Book Review.” They take various books, review their contents, give summaries of the life of the author, and thus entice the readers of the paper to read the book. I have found a book which is reviewed very little, if ever, by most of the advocates of “modern preaching.” I would like to review it here and commend it to your reading.

 The author of this book has been around forever and a lot of his ideas on religion are commonly looked upon as being outdated and old-fashioned. He holds some really “tough” views on many “doctrinal issues” with which we are presently faced. Among these are:

  1. His conception of the New Testament church: He teaches that there is only one right church, and that it is right because it adheres to the Bible only in all matters of faith and practices. He denies that we should extend fellowship to the denominational world “upon their acceptance of Jesus as the Christ.” He denies that there are many “knowledgeable Christians scattered among the denominations.” It is his view that unless one obeys the commands of the New Testament, he is lost!
  2. His view on the Mechanical Instrument of Music in Worship: He holds that to add mechanical instruments is to do that which there is no authority. As a matter of fact, not one time from beginning to the end of his book do we read of his giving approval to this practice in the New Testament church. With him singing is all that is allowed, not singing and playing, and singing and humming.
  3. His view on Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage: The author of this book believes that for a man (any man) to marry and divorce for any reason other than fornication, and remarry, places him in the sinful state of adultery. It is further his position that the only way for him to have forgiveness for this sin is for him to repent (turn away from, break off the adulterous union).
  4. His View of False Teachers: He teaches that if a man is teaching error and will not repent, he needs to be “marked” and fellowship withheld from him (Romans 16:17-18).

These are just a few of his oddities which seem to have lost their place in our system, but still, this book is a good one.

The book under consideration was written over a period of 1600 years. It mentions many of the men known by its author, their failures and successes, their doctrinal stances, and their dealings with the author.

It contains poetry, history, and biography. It tells of love, hate, war, peace friends, and enemies. It is so popular that it has been printed in many languages and dialects.

At one time in history, only high-ranking church men were allowed to possess it. It was revered as the greatest book ever written. It was the desire of all mankind to own a copy, but most were denied this privilege. It was once heeded by all religious men as the high standard of judgment, and its words once filled our land with zeal. However, I have recently noticed its decline in popularity. We no longer hear it used in the pulpit as it once was. People have become so “image-minded” that they feel the use of this book might scar the image of the church. People are desiring to hear “smooth things,” and not the contents of this book.

You have guessed by now, the author’s name is JEHOVAH, and the name of His book is THE BIBLE. The honor it was once paid has been turned to scorn in some places. But this writer still loves the Book, and its Author. We need to spend our time reviewing the contents of God’s Book and preaching His Word.

Tim Smith

This. . .

                        This Book unfolds Jehovah’s mind;

                        This Book salutes in accents kind;

                        This Friend our needs will amply meet;

                        This Foundation sends forth joys sweet.


                        This Mine affords us boundless wealth;

                        This Good Physician gives us health;

                        This Sun renews and warms the soul;

                        This Sword both wounds and makes us whole.


                        This Letter shows our sins forgiven;

                        This Guide conducts us safe to heaven;

                        This Charter has been sealed with blood;

                        This Volume is the Word of God.


Author Unknown

20th Century Christian - February 1945

It Survives Still!

In I Peter 1:25 the record reveals, “But the Word of the Lord abideth forever, and this is the Word of good tidings which was preached unto you.” As a young preacher I preached a lesson called “3 Reasons Why I Believe The Bible” and later changed it to “7 Reasons Why I Believe The Bible.”

Now as a not so young preacher it is “12 Reasons.” In each outline my final point has remained the same. I believe the Bible to be God’s inspired, inerrant and infallible word because of its indestructibility! The Bible has been subject to attack from without and within. A book written by mere men alone could not have undergone the attacks the Bible has sustained, and still survive!

Consider the persecution of the early Christians for believing the gospel message. Some were burned alive, others were delivered to the lions, still others were crucified, some were placed into leather bags with scorpions and snakes – then thrown into a body of water. The listing could go on. The first translators of the English Bible were persecuted and some martyred for their efforts.

Contemplate the efforts of modernism and liberalism toward the destruction of the Bible. One of their most vicious attacks has been through the modern versions (perversions) of Scripture; whereby they have denied the deity of Christ, the existence of hell, the virgin birth of our Lord, the resurrection, the truth that one day this earth will be burned up, Jesus’ teaching on the subject of divorce, that there is but one church, ad infinitum.

Call to mind the efforts of denominationalism to “kill” the Bible. Both the state and the corrupted church tried to stamp out its influence during the middle ages by openly burning copies of the Bible and subjecting those who owned a copy to severe persecution and sometimes even death. Yet, in spite of all these attacks across the ages – the Bible lives on!

Continually the Bible is attacked from without and within. The Bible still survives! Ingersoll held up a copy of the Bible and said, “In 15 years I’ll have this book in the morgue.” Fifteen years rolled by and Ingersoll was in the morgue – the Grand Old Book lives on. Voltaire said that in one hundred years the Bible would be an outmoded and forgotten book. At the end of that century, Voltaire had died and his house was used by the Geneva Bible Society to print, store and distribute the Bible. Recently in a pulpit in this area a preacher (?) held up a copy of the King James Version and a copy of the New International Version. He adored and praised the NIV – then referring to the KJV he stated the world would be better off if all the copies of it (KJV) could be gathered up and cast into a giant fire. Nobody came to the defense of God’s precious Word that day. But, to this day the Bible remains the #1 best seller and KJV of the Bible outsells all the others (NIV included) combined! The Bible lives on!

Clifford’s poem, “The Hammer and The Anvil” says it...

Last Eve I passed beside a blacksmith’s door
And heard the anvil ring the vesper chime;
When looking in, I saw upon the floor,
Old hammers worn with beating years of time.
“How many anvils have you had,” said I,
To wear and batter all these hammers so?”
“Just one,” said he, then said with twinkling eye,
“The anvil wears the hammers out you know.”
And so, I thought, the anvil of God’s Word
For ages skeptic’s blows have beat upon;
Yet, though the noise of falling blows was heard,
The anvil is unharmed – the hammers are gone!


“But the word of the Lord abideth forever...”

Jesse Whitlock

Why Know the Bible?

After 55 years of studying and preaching the word of God, the author gives the following reasons why we should all seek to know the Bible. Why must you know your Bible?

  1. Know Your Bible in order to have everlasting life. In praying to the Father, Jesus said, "And this is life eternal, that they might know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent" (John 17:3). The Bible is the only source of perfect, saving knowledge of God and Christ.
  2. Know Your Bible to know the greatest book ever written. The Bible is the best book because God is its author. There were forty penmen, but only one author. All of the writers were "moved by the Holy Spirit" (II Peter 1:21). "All scripture is given by inspiration of God" (II Timothy 3:16). No other book can compare with the Bible. It is truly God’s book!
  3. Know Your Bible so that you will know who you are. Only from the Bible can you know your origin, mission, and destiny – where you came from, why you are here, and where you are going. You are not a product of evolution, but of divine creation. God made man in His image, and man became a morally responsible, living soul (Genesis 1:26-27; 2:7). Our mission is to glorify God and become as Godlike as possible in preparation for the judgment and our personal accountability to God (Romans 14:11,12).
  4. Know Your Bible to be saved from sin. The Bible is the only book that has as its main message the salvation of sinners. The Bible alone answers the world’s greatest question, "What must I do to be saved?" "The Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world" (I John 4:14). He saves sinners by His gospel, which is "the power of God unto salvation" (Romans 1:16). Therefore, Jesus said, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, but he that believeth not shall be damned" (Mark 16:15,16).
  5. Know Your Bible in order to identify the church of the Lord and know its importance. When one obeys the gospel by being baptized into Christ, he is born again of water and the Spirit (John 3:3-5), into the family of God. This is the spiritual body of Christ, the church of which He is the head (Ephesians 1:22, 23). Christ has only one body (Ephesians 4:4); church (Acts 2:47). In the New Testament, members of the Lord’s church were Christians only (Acts 11:26), and they were the only Christians.
  6. Know Your Bible to find the Christian way of life, worship and service. The inspired Scriptures are the only doctrine of the New Testament church. The Scriptures alone furnish us completely unto all good works (II Timothy 3:16,17). The inspired word teaches us that "denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world" (Titus 2:12).
  7. Know Your Bible in order to reach the highest goal, "the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 3:14). Paul counted all things "but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord" (Philippians 3:8). We should strive to be like Paul, who near the time of his departure from this life could say, "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing" (II Timothy 4:7,8).

Frank Dunn