1. “Tenth of all,” said Abraham (Genesis 14:20).
  2. “I will give a tenth,” vowed Jacob (Genesis 28:20-22).
  3. “Our gold, silver, and jewelry,” said the children of Israel when they were about to build (Exodus 35).
  4. “A tenth or more,” said the devout Jew under an inferior covenant (Leviticus 27:30-33).
  5. “According to ability,” says the Old and New Testament (Deuteronomy 16:17; I Corinthians 16:1-2).
  6. “We do not owe Him anything,” said the apostate Jews. So they robbed Him―robbed Him by withholding their gifts (Malachi 3:8-9).
  7. “A tenth of all,” said the heathen to his false god.
  8. “All that I have,” said the poor widow (Mark 12).
  9. “Your body and all that pertains to it,” said the inspired apostle (Romans 12:1).
  10. “Beyond our power, or ability,” said the Christians in Macedonia (II Corinthians 8:9).
  11. “One tenth of my income,” says the Roman Catholic, the Mormon, the Seventh Day Adventist and others.
  12. What is your answer?

“As much as I spend for pleasure,” says one. He places the god of pleasure on equality with the only true and living God.

“What I do not need,” says one. He does not have the spirit of God, the great example.

“Whatever I find in my pocket when the plate is passed,” says one who ignores the divine law of purpose (2 Cor. 9:7).

“What I have, that I cheerfully give,” says the true Christian (Acts 3).

The Lord loves a cheerful giver. Upon him showers of blessings descend. Jesus, our great example, gave His life!

rank L. Cox

Not Wasted

A young woman, who was a great lover of flowers, had set out a rare vine at the base of a stone wall. It grew vigorously, but did not bloom. Day after day she cultivated it and watered it and tried in every way to coax it into bloom. One morning, as she stood disappointedly before it, her invalid neighbor, whose back lot adjoined her own, called over and said, “You can’t imagine how much I have been enjoying the blooms of that vine you planted.” The owner looked and on the other side of the wall was a mass of blooms. The vine had crept through the crevices and flowered luxuriantly on the other side.

So often we think our efforts are thrown away because we do not see their fruits. We need to learn that in God’s service, our prayers, our toils, our crosses are never in vain! Somewhere they bear fruit and hearts will receive blessings and joy.

Author Unknown