It is good to have a friend. We all need someone in whom we can utterly trust. We need someone who loves us in spite of all our weaknesses. We need someone who will comfort and encourage us in times of trouble and sorrow when the world leaves us alone to fight our battles. “A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity” (Proverbs 17:17).

“Ointment and perfume rejoiceth the heart: so doth the sweetness of a man’s friend by hearty counsel” (27:9). Robert Louis Stevenson wrote, “So long as we love we serve, so long as we are loved by others I would almost say we are indispensable; and no man is useless when he has a friend.” Jesus Christ said, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends” (John 15: 13).

Gossip can wreck friendship. “He that covereth a transgression seeketh love; but he that repeateth a matter separateth very (chief) friends” (Proverbs 17:9). A true friend will help you up when you have fallen down. He will defend you when others speak evil of you. He will believe you are innocent until you are proven guilty. A good friend is a great blessing. To be a friend one must give of himself and appreciate all that is loving and noble in others. “A talebearer revealeth secrets: but he that is of a faithful spirit concealeth the matter” (11:13).

Do not turn against a true friend, and don’t be a treacherous friend. “Yea, mine own familiar friend, in whom I trusted, which did eat of my bread, hath lifted up his heel against me” (Psalms 41:9). “Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful” (Proverbs 27:6).


G.K. Wallace

The New Testament Book of Proverbs

The book of James could accurately be called “the New Testament book of Proverbs” because of the wisdom it exhibits. It does not have one theme, but a variety of subjects, and may be compared to a string of beads with moral truths strung on it. It is the most Jewish book of the New Testament, yet James makes twenty-three allusions to Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. Yet it is the most practical book in the New Testament; emphasis is on action rather than talking.

The book refers only to “James, a servant of God and the Lord Jesus Christ” (1:1). In the New Testament there was James the son of Alphaeus, one of the twelve (Matthew 10:3). Nothing is known of this James, and there is no connection with the book of James. There is also James the brother of John, the son of Zebedee, also one of the twelve. He was beheaded by Herod Agrippa I in 44 A.D.. thus he was not the author of this book. This leaves James, the Lord’s brother, as the author (Mark 6:3). He was not in sympathy with the Lord’s work during His lifetime (Matthew 12:46-50; John 7:5), but he was changed by the resurrection appearance of the Savior (I Corinthians 15:7). He was with the apostles and Mary at Pentecost (Acts 1:14), and later became a leader in the church of Jerusalem (Acts 12:17; 15). He was a “pillar in the church” (Galatians 1:19; 2:9). He was the author of this grand book.

The Outline

When we see that James wanted his reader to become the perfect man, then we see a plan in his book. With this in mind, look at the topics he pursues:

  1. In his attitude toward trials and temptations (James 1:2-4, 12).
  2. In his reception of the Word (James 1:21-25).
  3. In his impartiality toward others (James 2:1-13).
  4. In his credentials of faith (James 2:14-26).
  5. In his use of the tongue (James 3:1-12).
  6. In his attitude toward true wisdom (James 3:13-18).
  7. In his amiableness and humility (James 4:6-10).
  8. In his consideration of his fellow man (James 5:1-3).
  9. In his patience and enduring of affliction (James 5:7).
  10. In his effort on behalf of the erring brother (James 5:19-20).

Author Unknown

From Gospel Advocate, April 19, 1973

Let a Man Examine Himself

1 Corinthians 11:28

When we examine others, we justify self—but when we examine self, we are more disposed to justify others. Let a man—Examine his company (Psalms 1; Proverbs 13:20). Fowl of a feather flock together. Examine his habits (I John 2:15). Examine his thoughts (Psalms 10:4). “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7). Examine his affections (Colossians 3:2). “To be carnally minded is death” (Romans 8:6). Examine his motives (I Corinthians 10:31). Are they acting for self or God? (Colossians. 3:17). 

Author Unknown