God Speaks Only Through His Word

I believe the Scriptures are inspired and wholly true,

In them God has said, what he wants us to do.

And He has no double standards, makes no difference who,

God speaks only through His Word.

There are those who say the Lord speaks in a quiet voice,

And this inner peace, inspires them to rejoice.

Jesus said the written Word is that we may believe,

I have made His Word my choice.

Others say the conscience is a safe and trusted guide,

But it’s uninspired, don’t trust what it decides.

It is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.

Jeremiah ten, twenty three

The Lord is speaking unto men today,

But through His written Word this is the way.

The Holy Spirit said what He must say,

So God speaks only through His Word today.

O.D. Wilson

Lord, To Remember Thee

The greatest privilege to me,

O, Lord, is to remember Thee

I don’t as often as I should,

And that’s why I’m not always good. 


O, Lord, I would remember thee,

Because of Thy great love for me.

I do not know Thee personally,

But I do love Thee intimately.


Lord, Thy memorials are Divine,

They make me glad that I am Thine.

The emblems of the Cup and the Bread,

Remind me You died in my stead. 


O, Lord, help me to do what’s right,

So when this faith shall end in sight,

That I’ll live on that Golden Shore,

Where Christian’s shall forget no more. 


O. D. Wilson – Deceased