God Speaks Only Through His Word

I believe the Scriptures are inspired and wholly true,

In them God has said, what he wants us to do.

And He has no double standards, makes no difference who,

God speaks only through His Word.

There are those who say the Lord speaks in a quiet voice,

And this inner peace, inspires them to rejoice.

Jesus said the written Word is that we may believe,

I have made His Word my choice.

Others say the conscience is a safe and trusted guide,

But it’s uninspired, don’t trust what it decides.

It is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.

Jeremiah ten, twenty three

The Lord is speaking unto men today,

But through His written Word this is the way.

The Holy Spirit said what He must say,

So God speaks only through His Word today.

O.D. Wilson

Inner Light

With many the Word of God is not the power of God unto salvation; it is only a “witness” to God’s Word. They tell us that as they read the Bible the Holy Spirit gives them special light on the passage read. If this is true, then the reader becomes a Divine speaker for God. That is all the pope of Rome claims. He speaks for God. I had just as soon have the pope as some teenager who claims he or she has a special leading in a “call meeting” or “soul talk”—which some call a “personal encounter.” The Bible is set aside as a true guide and is made only a means of bringing a person into a “personal encounter.”

The doctrine of “inner light” gave us every major denomination among us. Let us remember that the Bible is right and that “it is not within man that walketh to direct his steps” (Jeremiah 10:23). God’s means of converting and leading man is the Word of God (Romans 1:16). The advocates of emotional religion talk much about the Holy Spirit and, at the same time, ignore what the Holy Spirit says in His Holy Word. The spirit that leads a man outside of the Word of God is not holy.

G. K. Wallace