There are, in the church today, those who attempt to neutralize God's revelation to man with intimidation. These compromisers do not want to oppose error in any way, and are influencing souls to turn from God’s word to follow the path of least resistance, i.e., the path of worldly acceptance and religious union.

Compromising Christian — I suppose you have the old foggy idea that some people are going to roast in an eternal Hell.

Christian — The Bible teaches that each will reap what is sown (Galatians 6:7-8), and there are some activities which will result in man’s condemnation (Galatians 5:19-21; I Corinthians 6:9-11). God himself teaches that some of his rebellious creatures will be lost (Matthew 25:46).

Compromising Christian — Why that is the most dogmatic, narrow-minded, legalistic thing I have ever heard!

Christian — It is the teaching of God’s word!

Compromising Christian — You’re probably an old moss back who believes that shorts and other immodest clothing, mixed swimming, dancing and social drinking are sin.

Christian — Yes, it is a sin, but not because I think it is a sin but because God condemns these acts as works of the flesh (Romans 13:14; Galatians 5:19-21; i.e., revelling, drunkenness, lasciviousness).

Compromising Christian — Why that’s the most dogmatic, narrow-minded, legalistic thing I have ever heard!

Christian—But it is God’s message!

Compromising Christian—I imagine you have the same narrow views concerning divorce and remarriage.

Christian—God’s word is very plain concerning marriage, divorce and remarriage. God’s plan for marriage is one woman for one man for one life time (Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:5-6; Romans 7:1-4). If divorce takes place it must be for fornication (Matthew 19:9; Mark 10:12). To put away a mate for any other cause and to remarry is to be guilty of adultery (Matthew 19:9).

Compromising Christian —Well, I have never...that’s the most dogmatic, narrow-minded, legalistic thing I have ever heard.

Christian — It is taught by inspiration!

Compromising Christian — Do you honestly, actually, truly believe that using instrumental music in worship is a sin, and that people will be lost in Hell because they use it in their worship?

Christian — It isn’t what I believe that is important, what is important is what God has commanded. Each time music is mentioned in the New Testament (in the worship of Christians) it specifies vocal music (Acts 16:25; Romans 15:9; I Corinthians 14:15; Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16; Hebrews 2:12; 13:15; James 5:13). The transgression of God’s standard is sin (I John 3:4). It is God’s word which will be the standard of judgment (John 12:48-49).

Compromising Christian — That is the absolute end. That's the most dogmatic, narrow-minded, legalistic thing I have heard in my whole life!

But all the ranting, raving, intimidation and disparaging remarks do not change one iota of God’s revelation to man. It still stands, and will continue to stand (I Peter 1:25), till judgment when it will be God’s standard for judging the works of men (John 12:48-49).

The characters referred to in this article are not fictitious; they are real and exist in many congregations in the brotherhood today. May the compromising Christian see the error of his/her way and repent that salvation might be theirs in the hereafter.

Thomas F. Eaves, Sr.

Which Came First…Chicken or Egg?

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? This question has been around for a long time. I remember as a youngster a lot of kids enjoyed asking that question. No matter which answer one gave, another question came as to the origin. Well, we no longer have to ask that question. A news story on the Internet ( and msheridan@nydailynews. com) stated that the answer has been found. Scientists in England say that it is the chicken! The article states: Researchers wrote in a recently published report that it all comes down to one protein— ovocledidin-17—which helps in the formation of the egg’s hard shell.

This essential ingredient in the formation of the egg can only be produced inside a chicken, scientists from universities in Sheffield and Warwick concluded. “It had long been suspected that the egg came first, but now we have the scientific proof that shows that in fact the chicken came first,” said Dr. Colin Freeman, of Sheffield University’s Department of Engineering Materials, as reported by London Daily Mail. Aren’t you glad that you now have a scientific answer to that age-old question? A survey associated with this story asked the question about which came first. The majority answered it was the egg. For the child of God who believes the Bible to be the Word of God, the answer to this question was written down by Moses many centuries ago. Moses wrote: “And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and everything that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good” (Genesis 1:24–25).

A very important like question has been advanced, “Which came first: A human mother or a human baby?” This, as well as the answer to the chicken question, gets at the heart of evolution. In 1987, Ann Landers had the following question, “Is it biologically possible for a human to crossbreed with animals?” Ann answered, “A human can have sex with an animal but no offspring will result.” She sought assistance from Dennis Borden, Ph. D., assistant chairman of the biochemistry department at Northwestern University. He said, “The human chromosomes and DNA material that govern reproduction are biologically incompatible with that of dogs, cats, cows, horses, sheep, etc. Mother Nature, in her infinite wisdom, saw to it that they don’t mix….”

This writer responded by thanking Ann and Dennis for their intentional (or unintentional) support of the Bible doctrine of creation. This writer received a response signed,” AL/ms”: “…As I ‘m sure you realize, evolution didn’t happen overnight. Two monkeys didn’t just have a human baby….” Of course, this answer misses everything Ann and Dennis wrote in the letter. According to God’s word, the chicken came first, the father and mother came first. This stands written, and it will always stand written. Jesus gave His approval of what Moses wrote of the beginning in Matthew 19:4–6. Never be hesitant to state what God has said comes first, whether the chicken or the baby!

 Jimmie Gribble

Scriptural Worship

  • Preaching the Word of God – Acts 2:42
  • Giving of Your Means – I Corinthians 16:1-2
  • Observing the Lord’s Supper – Acts 20:7
  • A Cappella Singing – Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16
  • Praying – Acts 2:42


Some time ago a friend of mine (though we differ religiously) in conversation about the Bible, said to me: “You take the radical view.” Sometimes the word radical is given a meaning that is uncomplimentary, that the radical one is an extremist, goes to excesses, is immoderate, his judgment is poor, he is eccentric, unduly narrow, etc. That my friend meant none of these things, I’m sure. But let us note a definition of radical: “Proceeding from the root; original; fundamental; reaching to the center of the ultimate source; thoroughgoing.” A radical change is “one that is so thoroughgoing it effects the fundamental character of the thing involved.” In view of these definitions, if the position occupied by the church of Christ affects the character of error, then you might say we “take the radical view,” but as pertaining to the character of truth, no, for we believe in standing squarely on the truth of God’s word, and in the following paragraphs the reader can see why.


1. The Doctor. When the doctor diagnoses our case and prescribes a course for us to follow in order to avoid disease and death, do we look upon him as “radical,” unduly narrow, in insisting upon our following his instructions to the letter? Suppose he shows us that to vary from the prescribed course means death?

2. Medical Examiners. When the medical authorities set up medical standards are they radical? Is the law radical in upholding the standards? Suppose the doctor gives you a prescription; you take it to the pharmacist for filling and he tells you it makes no difference how it is filled; it won’t hurt you if you are honest. What if six different druggists say it makes no difference what ingredients they put into the medicine? What would you say? If the law demands that all prescriptions be filled exactly as they are written by all druggists, is the law radical? Are you radical, eccentric, unduly narrow when you insist the druggist fill the prescription exactly as the doctor has written it?

3. The Merchant. When you go to buy a pound of beans and the grocer gives you six-teen ounces for a pound, is he radical if he re-fuses to give you twenty ounces? If you purchase a piece of goods, and the merchant insists that the correct measure is thirty-six inches to the yard, do you consider him radical if he won't make a yard forty-six inches?

4. The Farmer. Suppose you were to insist that the farmer could raise a good crop of corn in zero weather, in the bleak winter time, would he be radical in saying it is impossible in view of the laws of nature? Suppose you insisted he could raise a crop of crimson clover from alfalfa seed, and he said it could not be done, would you consider him radical? Is he radical if he in-sists there is no variation from the laws of nature, but that every seed brings forth after its own kind?


1. Was God Radical in Old Testament Times? In Genesis 4 we read about Cain’s substituting in his worship to God. Was God radical in rejecting Cain’s worship because he did it not as God had commanded? Nadab and Abihu offered strange fire in burning incense in worship to God. Nowhere had God said “Thou shalt not get fire from another source,” but he had told them where to get fire for this purpose. Was God radical for consuming them when they did not do exactly as God commanded?

When God smote Uzzah for putting his hand on the ark when God’s law was contrary to this, was He radical? Was not Uzzah honest? his heart right? did he intend only good? Yes, but he violated a positive command and suffered for it (2 Sam. 6:6-7).

In 1 Samuel 15 we read that because Saul did not utterly destroy the Amalekites and all that pertained to them, God dethroned him. Was God radical in punishing Saul for saving alive a few cattle and the king of Amalek?

When the young prophet of Judah kept God’s law implicitly, until he listened to the lying lips of the old prophet of Bethel, and being deceived by his lie disobeyed God, was God radical when he allowed the lion to take the young man’s life in punishment for his disobedience (1 Kings 13)?

2. Is Christ Radical in His New Testament Law? The foregoing examples serve as warnings to us. Note a few things in the law of Christ. The promise of salvation is not to those who merely with their lips, or in their minds, call upon Christ, but those who do his will: “Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doth the will of my Father which is in heaven” (Mat. 7:21). The Holy Spirit teaches in Revelation 22:14 that those who obey God are the ones who will enter heaven. Paul teaches in Hebrews 5:9 that Christ is the author of salvation to those who obey him.

Christ forbids any changes in His word. This has been God's law always. Deuteronomy 4:2 forbids addition or subtraction. Deuteronomy 5:32 forbad the Jews to turn either to the right or to the left, but to keep God’s commands. In Mark 7:1-7 Christ condemned the traditions and doctrines of the Pharisees. If we may make changes, have any doctrines and organizations we want, why did Christ forbid and condemn them in his day?

In 2 John 9-11 we are told that those who transgress, go beyond, what God has commanded have not God or Christ, therefore lost. In view of the fact that those who take liberties with the word of God are lost, tough they may think otherwise, we have only one motive in op-posing denominations and their error―to save the souls of people in them. Friends, when you wear a name in religion, have a doctrine God does not authorize, you are lost according to John. Revelation 22:18-19 forbids addition or subtraction. Those who do so are lost. No de-nomination can exist without addition or subtraction, hence the Bible says all who partake of them are lost. Do not find fault with me for pointing this out to you; appreciate it and turn to the truth before it is too late.

If we may vary from God’s word, why did God warn us about the doctrines of men (Col. 2:8; Eph. 4:14)? Paul says to preach a different doctrine from what he preached makes one accursed (Gal. 1:6-9). No denomination can exist without preaching a different gospel from what Paul preached. If all religious bodies were to preach and practice what the apostles taught in the New Testament, there would be an immediate removal of denominationalism and unity among us would prevail.

What is the standard? Christ said we would be judged by His word (John 12:47-50). Seeing that we shall be judged by the law of Christ, and that he forbids any variation from His will, we should live as close to His word as we possibly can, for those who will not hear (obey) Christ will he destroyed (Acts 3:22-23).          


Are we radical, or do we take the radical view, when we object to substitution in worship to God? God would not accept the substitutions of Cain, Nadab and Abihu. Why do people think He will accept them now any more than then? Do we take the radical view when we insist upon strict and complete obedience, lest we be rejected like King Saul? Are we radical when we insist upon pure seed instead of adulterated gospel? Luke 8:11 says the seed is the word of God. If one plants wheat seed, will it bring forth anything but wheat? If we want to raise a crop of corn, would we plant cotton seed and expect to grow corn? Neither can we plant the seeds of denomination-al doctrines and expect to raise Christians. It won't work; your commonsense will tell you that. The only way to raise Christians, and be pleasing to God, is to plant nothing but the seed of the kingdom, the unadulterated word of God.

Are we radical in insisting upon strict compliance with God’s word? Note Proverbs 30:6: “Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.”

Suppose a man has cancer of the liver and thinks he is all right? Does that make it so? Like-wise in religion: “There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death” (Pro. 14:12).

Roy J. Hearn


The world in general and religious people in particular ought to recognize that teachers and preachers have no more right to handle the Word of God deceitfully than the teller in your local bank has to juggle his books and misappropriate the funds of others. The thieving bank clerk if brought into court would land in jail, and the false teacher after judgment will dwell in torment. “But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.” (Galatians 1:8-9)


Many churches have become famous because of the grandeur and splendor of their church buildings, the high educational attainments, or the gifted oratory of the minister. Others have gained favor among the people because of their social and recreational activities. They build a stage, sound the trumpets, and put on a show for the benefit of the world. The playroom displaces the prayer room. Lectures and book reviews take the place of Bible teaching and an ounce of Bible preaching against popular sins would cause as much consternation as a “block-buster” on Broadway. Such places are not churches; they are social clubs and recreational centers. There is a vast difference between the modern churches of today when they are contrasted with a model congregation of the New Testament period. Some one has written a poem on “The Modern Church” which will illustrate what I mean. It is too lengthy to quote in full but here are a few selections from the poem:

         “Well, wife I’ve found the modern church and worshipped there today;

It made me think the good old times had surely passed away.

The meeting house was finer built than they were years ago,

But I found when I went in ‘twas mostly built for show.

An usher led me down that stylish aisle (he knew that I was poor)

And found a plain uncushioned seat away back by the door;

I saw the people coming in―their silks a rustling made;

They did not come to worship God―it was a dress parade.

I wish you'd heard the music, wife, it had the opera ring,

The preacher did not rise and say, “Let everybody sing,”

No, no, dear wife, that’ out of date, they’ve got way up higher,

They don’t make music in their souls, but praise God with a choir.

There was an organ and a horn, a banjo and a flute,

And almost every kind of thing that’s used to squeak or toot.

It made me think of younger days when I attended balls,

They didn’t sound the Savior's name, of Crown him Lord of all.

I wish you’d heard the sermon, wife, ‘twas not the old time truth;

It did not suit old men like me, nor help the giddy youth.

It did not speak of dying love, nor yet of rising, power,

Nor of the Father’s watchful care, extended every hour.

He did not speak of church or creeds, the gospel’s power to save,

Or whether we should pour or cross, or dip beneath the wave.

He did not say, Confess your sins, be-lieve, repent or pray,

You could not tell there was a soul that needed aught that day.”




            These few verses from the pen of T. R. Burnett serve as an indictment of modernism in religion. Is it for social entertainment? Do you go to hear lectures on social, political, or economic issues? Do you go to church to hear a book review of some current, best-seller in the field of literature? Or do you go to church to hear God’s word pro-claimed, the Bible taught in its purity, and engage with other kindred souls in the most devout and sincere worship of God the Father? Jesus said to the woman at Jacob’s well: “But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit; and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth” (John 4:22, 24).


Jesus further informs us that it is possible for us to worship God in vain. To the Pharisees, the strictest sect of that day, Jesus said: “This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoreth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. But in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men” (Matthew 15:8-9).

The religious world today needs to realize that a “thus said the Lord” is vital in all worship and teaching. God’s revelation of the acts of worship, and the conditions of pardon, stands complete and final. He has given unto us all that pertains to life and godliness (II Peter 1:3). We have a “perfect law of liberty” in Christ (James 1:25), so we should be careful to continue therein. That which is perfect never needs amendment, substitution, or sub-traction. In this connection let’s read (Revelation 22:18, 29): “For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book; and if any man shall take away the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.


The church of Christ in your community believes in calling Bible things by Bible names, teaching the truth in its primitive simplicity, and worshipping the Father as the Bible directs. The power of plain gospel preaching, and the beauty and simplicity of a scriptural worship service are the only attractions we have to offer the world. We have no plea but the gospel and no creed except the New Testament. If you are interested in becoming better acquainted with a group of people who profess to be Christians only, here are a few considerations that will help you to understand:

1. Who We Really Are

The church of the Lord, in your community, is composed of those believers in Christ, who have become obedient from the heart to that form of doctrine delivered unto men. (Romans 6:17) being thereby made free from all past sins, and having become children of God and heirs with Christ (Galatians 3:26-27). As heirs with Christ and followers of his teaching, the members of the church, wear the name Christian signifying their relation to Christ (Acts 11:26).

We believe that the whole heart of man composed of the intellect, emotions, and will power, must be completely turned from a love of sin and unrighteousness to an abiding love for God and right. This complete change of heart is accomplished by the Holy Spirit through the gospel, which is the power of God unto salvation (Romans 1:16).

The Spirit testifies through the gospel of Christ and we having heard this testimony, became believers in Christ (Romans 10:17). The gospel is the instrument that the Spirit used to produce spiritual life in our hearts (I Corinthians 4:15).

Realizing that faith must work by love to avail anything (Galatians 5:6), we became obedient to the faith (Romans 1:5) and at this point Christ became the author of our salvation (Hebrews 5:9). Our souls were purified by obedience to the truth (I Peter 1:22), and in our submission we acknowledged Christ as “King of Kings and Lord of Lords.”

Faith in the Spirit's testimony led us in godly sorrow to repent of all past sins (II Corinthians 7:10). Then, realizing that salvation was possible only in Christ, we desired to enter into Christ where such spiritual blessings as redemption and the hope of Life eternal might be received. From the Spirit’s teaching we learned that the believing, penitent person should be baptized into Christ (Romans 6:3) and that such a baptism is unto the remission of past sins (Acts 2:38), we were then “buried with Christ” in baptism, and then raised to walk in newness of life.

All those baptized, who were baptized in accord with the Spirit’s instructions, were added to the church by the Lord Himself (Acts 2:47), so we also, by the same Lord, were in the same manner added to the same church. If not, why not? Has the law of reproduction failed? Has the Lord disregarded His divine plan of adding to the church daily, such as should be saved? No, the Lord has not failed, neither has the plan been altered. Com-ply with the conditions of pardon specified in God’s Word today, and the Lord will still add you to His church now just like He has added thou-sands of others in ages past.

2. As To The Worship Service

We assemble on the first day of the week “to break bread" or observe the Lord’s supper (Acts 20:7) and by this solemn service we keep alive in our hearts the memory of our Lord’s suffering and death until some glad day we shall see Him coming on the clouds of heaven (I Corinthians 11: 17).

There is no melody sweeter than the heartfelt melody of human voices rising in praise and devotion, in “psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs” (Colossians 3:16). And since the Lord commanded that we make melody WITH our hearts unto Him in song, we do not presume to use a mechanical instrument which is wholly unauthorized in the New Testament.

We fully recognize the need and obligation of teaching and giving much time to the study of God’s Word. We also, as did the brethren in Jerusalem, desire to continue in the “apostle’s doctrine, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayers” (Acts 2:42). We are taught to give our means as we are prospered (I Corinthians 16:1-2), out of which funds we support all the work of the church. The contribution on the first day of every week is assessed by Jehovah according to our ability, but there is no assessment by man, nor do we ever raise money by entertainment to support the Lord’s work. “As a man purposeth in his heart, so let him give” (II Corinthians 9:8) Do you know friends, that the most desirable and happy life on earth is the Christian Life? And the way the Lord reveals in His word is clearly de-fined and will safely lead us home to heaven. Why not walk that way today?

J. A. McNutt

"A Sad Day"

Israel was the chosen nation. They had the special watch-care of the God of heaven. Yet ingratitude seemed to characterize their relationship to Jehovah. As one reads the story of the nation of Israel, he is caused to wonder how anyone could have departed from God so many times. Even when they had been delivered from Egyptian bondage, they murmured against their deliverer in the very sight of the Red Sea. The period of Judges saw no improvement. When the kingdom divided so did their allegiance, and Israel went awhoring after other gods. Isaiah 9:16 reads, “For they that lead this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed.” It is a sad day when leaders lead their people into apostasy, but such was the case in Israel. They forgot their God and their salvation. They became a rebellious people bowing down to gods that had been made with human hands.

The prophet Hosea penned the words of God when he wrote, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee” (Hosea 4:6). God later said through that prophet, “my people are bent on backsliding from me” (11:7). What sadder day ever dawned in Israel of old than that day when God had rejected them because of a lack of knowledge?

Spiritual Israel

Just as the nation of Israel went away from God in the long ago, Spiritual Israel, the church, can depart from God today. The Israelites were destroyed because of a “lack of knowledge.” And one untaught generation is all that is needed today for the church to be destroyed for the same reason. Christians are charged to study the Word (II Timothy 2:15), elders are enjoined to feed the flock (Acts 20:28), and preachers are commanded to preach the Word (II Timothy 4:2). When Christians, elders, and preachers fail to fulfill their God-given responsibilities, then a sad day for spiritual Israel is on the horizon. God’s people will apostatize because of a lack of knowledge.


Paul told Timothy, “I charge thee in the sight of God, and of Christ Jesus, who shall judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: preach the word; be urgent in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. For the time will come when they will not endure the sound doctrine; but, having itching ears, will heap to themselves teachers after their own lusts; and will turn away their ears from the truth, and turn aside unto fables” (II Timothy 4:1-4). In the next sentence Paul said, “do the work of an evangelist, fulfill thy ministry.” Earlier he had written, “Till I come, give heed to reading, to exhortation, to teaching.... Be diligent in these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy progress may be manifest unto all” (I Timothy 4:13, 15).

The day that preachers cease to do the will of God and begin to please the members and “pastor” the congregation, is the day the church will cease being as strong as it could be, and it will be a sad day in Israel. Heaven knows we have enough of this among us today! We have preachers that are more concerned with the image they present than the Word they preach. We have preachers that know more about politics, social injustices, and the book of etiquette than they know about the Word of God. Pulpits are filled with “How to win friends and influence people” and stories from the leading magazines of the day while people are starving to death, spiritually, for the preaching of the Bible.

Congregations are generally no stronger than their pulpits. Note the congregation that is staying within the “old paths” and then note the kind of preaching they hear. You will find that the preacher they have is a student of the Word. You can listen to him preach or read what he writes and tell where he stands. There is no ambiguity in what he teaches. He stands solidly on God’s Word. He is a student of the Book and seeks to fulfill his God-given responsibility to preach the Word.

We are concerned that too many pulpits (one would be too many for that matter) are not being filled with the kind of preaching that God wants. We firmly believe that churches are being led into apostasy by men who are supposed to be preachers of the Bible.


Elders are supposed to “feed the flock” (Acts 20:28). Among the responsibilities that are en-joined in that statement would be to see that the pulpit and the classroom have the right kind of teaching. It is sad indeed when preachers rebel against the command to preach the Word, how-ever, it is sadder yet when elders refuse to demand that the Bible be taught by the preacher and classroom teacher. Elders need to tell the preacher that the Bible is going to be taught from the pulpit under their oversight or they are going to know the reason why. They then need to carry out their word. An eldership recently remarked that they were not hearing any Bible preaching from the pulpit at all. They had talked it over with the preacher, but it had done no good. And, they hated to replace him because he was so well liked in the congregation. How ridiculous can one eldership be? Any preacher that refuses to preach the Bible does not need to be replaced, he needs to be removed! (II Thessalonians 3:6).

This writer recently saw a list of responsibilities that an eldership was using in the securing of the services of a preacher. That list demanded of him that he be the perfect “denominational pastor,” however, not a one of the more than a dozen requirements even hinted at his responsibility to study and preach the Word. Several Gospel preachers who have seen the list, some are known brotherhood wide, remarked in unison that the list was ridiculous. Brethren, do all elderships want the Bible in its entirety, taught in the pulpit?

If the church had preachers that would preach the Word and elders that would demand that the Word be taught, widespread apostasy would cease to be a problem. There is nothing that will cure going away from God like a well taught, rooted and grounded in the truth, brotherhood. Elders are going to lose their souls because they failed to feed the flock that was given under their oversight.


Even if preachers failed to preach God’s Word and elders failed to demand that the Word be taught, all would not be lost if Christians would fulfill their responsibility. They should see to it that the church is fed the Word of God. When a congregation becomes satisfied with the social gospel that never reproves or rebukes it becomes a sad day indeed. What more could you expect than full-scale apostasy? Nothing but destruction could come if preachers did not preach the Bible, elders did not feed the flock, and members no longer cared for the teaching of God’s Word.

An Admonition

We see the church in many areas of the brotherhood drifting away from the ancient landmarks. New sounds and uncertain sounds are coming from their ranks. At the tap root of this digression is the failure—either intentional or unintentional—to teach the Word of God in its purity, simplicity, and entirety. The Bible needs to be preached and its message must be proclaimed without fear or favor. It comes to an attitude that many hold toward the Bible. It is sad but true—some no longer have respect for its teachings. May we awaken before it becomes too late! Preachers, preach the Word. Be a student of the Bible. Spend your time doing what God has commanded you to do! Elders, demand that the Word be taught. See to it that the flock over which you are overseers are fed. And when the Word is taught, stand behind it with all of your support. Christians, see to it that your preacher and elders know that you want, appreciate, and stand behind the preaching of God’s Word. And if you are in a congregation where the Bible is not taught, let your disapproval be noted. The day the church fails to preach the Word is the day the church will begin its journey away from God. Remember Hosea quoted God as saying, “My people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge.”

William S. Cline

Defender - May 1972