The Return - A Saved and Glorified People - John Rose

download (51:52) 

Summary: Through the prophet Jeremiah, God told Judah that they would remain in Babylonian captivity for seventy years, then He would bring them out and return them to their promised land. By the same prophet, God declared that if His people would serve the King of Babylon they would live and prosper in their land of exile. About three hundred years earlier at the dedication of the Temple; Solomon prayed for the people of Israel: if they be cast unto a foreign nation that God would hear their prayers, if they would be think themselves in that land and repent and turn unto God, that He would hear their cry and save them and glorify them again in their land of promise. Israel and Judah were cast into exile for their sins, but God gave the faithful hope that if they would endure and trust and obey God they would return to their home. Without fail God visited His people and gave them safe passage home to their longed for and much beloved home. Now under the Law of the Christ, God has given hope to the faithful who sojourn in the world. God will hear their prayer and keep them unto that longed for day. And more surely than that the sun will rise on the morrow, God will bring His people – the church –  home: the home so long sought after so eagerly awaited that they may hear those joyous words, “Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.”  

The Prophets and Exile - A Warned but Rebellious People - John Rose

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Summary: God had chosen Israel while they were yet unborn in Abraham. He chose them to be a holy nation unto Himself to show forth His glory in them. He redeemed them from the bondage of Egypt to serve Him as a peculiar people separate from injustice and defilement. Israel was given a holy priesthood to intercede for the people, to offer sacrifices before the Lord for the sake of the people of Jacob. But they came to love many strange gods which God had not commanded them. Israel forsook the Lord and His ways and took up the way of Baalim. God rose early in the morning and sent His holy prophets unto Israel to turn them – to restore them through warnings and pleadings. Israel would not hear the Lord but hardened their necks and walked in rebellion. God’s period of pleading and patience came to an end and Israel was exiled – the ten Northern Tribes to Assyria and Judah to Babylon. God still rises early and warns His people, the church, the Israel of God. Some will not heed the Divinely inspired pleadings and blindly continue as rebellious children. To these will come eternal exile from which they will never return.  

The Levitical System - A Priestly People - John Rose

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[Note: Apologies...last few minutes were not recorded due to a technical problem]

 Summary: The lesson begins with the days from Adam to Moses, there was no established centralized priesthood before God. Men such as Noah, Abraham, and Melchizedek each functioned as priest by the command of God. This system of patriarchal priests continued unto the Cross for the Gentile world. However, with the establishment of Israel as a theocratic nation, God established a peculiar priesthood for Israel – the Levitical Aaronic priesthood. This system had a high priest and a various number of priests fulfilling their duties under the oversight of the high priest. Unique to this priesthood was that all were to be descendants of Aaron (the first high priest), all were charged with offering sacrifice before God, and all were to be free of defilement or blemish. A new priesthood was established by God through the death, burial, and resurrection of the Christ. The Christ was ordained the ever living High Priest and His children and brethren as royal priests, and every priest is to render the personal sacrifices of service and life, and every priest is cleansed of blemish and defilement by the blood and mediation of the High Priest. 


The Exodus - A Redeemed People - John Rose

Sermon outline provided by John Rose

download (38:55)

Summary: In the days of Abraham’s grandson, Jacob – whose name was changed to Israel; the fledgling people now called Israel, the house of Jacob, moved into Egypt. Jacob’s favored son Joseph had, many years earlier, been sold into slavery by his brothers and came to Egypt a slave. Through God’s providence Joseph attained to the governorship over Egypt and through his leadership the way was paved for Israel’s sojourn in Egypt. After Joseph’s death the children of Israel were bound in forced servitude under cruel taskmasters. In their agony, Israel cried out unto the God of Heaven and He remembered the covenant he had made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. To deliver His people from bondage, God sent Moses back to Egypt, from which he had fled in fear forty years earlier. In delivering His people, God brought ten plagues upon the rebellious land of Egypt. The last plague was the death of the firstborn. To stay the destroyer in the land of Goshen, the home of Israel in Egypt; the Passover lamb was sacrificed. The Passover laid the foundation for the further commandment of God to sanctify the firstborn, redeem the unclean, and sacrifice the clean. To establish the New Covenant, through the Christ; God once again sanctified the firstborn, redeemed the unclean, and sacrificed the clean. 

Abraham to Sinai - A Chosen People - John Rose

Sermon outline provided by John Rose

download (74:25) 

Summary: About four hundred twenty-eight years elapsed between the call of Abraham (Genesis 12:1-3) and God’s oral proclamation of the Ten Commandments from Mount Sinai (Exodus 20:1-17). In those intervening four hundred years, through the promise of God unto Abraham, Israel became a nation with Divinely appointed law and purpose. God declared that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob would be greatly blessed and through them all the nations of the earth would also be blessed. Through the centuries from Abraham to Sinai, God was molding and making a people, a peculiar treasure unto Himself. By way of calling, trials nation of royal priests – a nation whose inheritance is God: this nation, this people is the church of Christ.